Crazy Love

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Kim Namjoon was not a stalker. Instead, he prefered to use the term... spy. Yes, that's what he was, a spy. If Koreans had middle names, his would be "Stealthy" because that's exactly what he was following Kim Seokjin home from school: stealthy.

(Ok so, maybe following someone without their consent was "stalking" per se... and the fact that Namjoon had known to wait until 5pm when Seokjin was done with his theatre practice... but Namjoon refused to label it as "stalking," there was no way he would stoop as low as to stalk Seokjin--no way.)

Namjoon was careful to walk a distance behind the other so as to make sure it didn't seem creepy, or that noticeable. Seokjin seemed to have a hop to his step, Namjoon wondered desperately what had the other guy so happy. A small kernel of hope inside him told him, " Maybe it's because of you !!" But then the realistic, stalker-- spy part of him said, " Shut up you hopeless egg ." So Namjoon succumbed to his thoughts, and trailed behind his beautiful crush.

Namjoon almost missed when Seokjin turned a corner, he had been too engrossed in his thoughts.

" You'd make a horrible spy ." His spy side spoke.

Namjoon sidled up to a brick wall and peeked around the corner--secret spy style--just to make sure Seokjin wasn't standing right there... he wasn't; instead he had turned into a driveway a few houses down the road.

Namjoon waited a good 5 minutes before following, there was no way, no freaking way, he would let Seokjin catch him. He'd rather fail his music composition class, and that was saying a lot--he loved his music comp class.

He stared at the house from the front; it was a nice, cream colored, modern looking, two story house. Namjoon saw movement in the 2nd story window that faced towards the front road. It was Seokjin (Namjoon could tell from his broad shoulders).

There was also a conveniently tall tree that grew not far from said window, with conveniently placed branches for climbing.

" Don't do it, he might see you!! " His rational side spoke.

" Do itt ," said his spy side, " do it for the vine ."

"Vine is dead." Namjoon spoke out loud. He had made up his mind--he would climb the tree.

What?? It wasn't a horrible idea, the tree was practically asking to be climbed.

Namjoon scaled it surprisingly easily considering he was known as the school clutz, he only almost fell like, 5 times! (Improvement if you asked him).

He reached a branch not too close (but not too far) from the window and perched himself on the end of the branch closest to the trunk, hiding himself in the leaves.

" Oh yeahh, looks whos a spy now ." His spy side said.

Namjoon smiled triumphantly.

Seokjin took a seat at his desk, sketching in a notebook before him. Namjoon was too far away to see what was being drawn, but he bet it was something beautiful.

" Just like you ," he sighed dreamily, and abruptly shook himself. Namjoon did not "sigh dreamily," that definitely did not just happen.

What was Kim Seokjin doing to him?

Seokjin continued scribbling in the notebook, Namjoon started plotting ways he could get a hold of the notebook without Seokjin knowing--definitely not an act of a stalker.

Seokjin's head suddenly jerked violently down in what looked like a sneeze.

" Bless your handsome face ," Namjoon said mentally.

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