Manik PoV (P 18)

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I am Manik Malhotra the CEO and founder of Zenith Enterprises.
Everyone fears from me in the business world because m the king of the business world.

I can never bear any wrong doings happening in front of me.

I am very sweet for my loved ones. I can do anything for them even if it is far from my reach i will do anything for them.

And for my enemies m their worst nightmare. M very cruel with my enemies. I can make their life hell and bring hell on the earth only.

Few days ago my men was blackmailed by my business enemy employee by kidnapping his daughter and i made that person's life hell.

I m very dedicated for my work.
My life revolves around my work and my Dadi whom i love more than my life. I can do anything for her. Her every word is my command. She just need to think about something and it will be present in front of her such is her importance in my life.

A few days ago my Dadi asked me to join a party with her organised my Mr. Murthy who was a very good friend of my father and he is like a son for my Dadi. So here i am in the party and Dadi will be joining me shortly.

There i met with Mr. Murthy and he introduced me with his wife who was very nice to me and also introduced me with his son Abhimanyu and daughter Nandini.

Abhimanyu was very nice and a good person to talk with. He is very professional in work mode and caring on the other side for his family which i liked about him very much.

Later Mr. Murthy told me that the project about which i was interested is handled by his daughter and i can discuss about it with her.

Nandini seemed to be very focused about her work while discussing about the project and she explained about the project in a very well way.

After a while Dadi joined us and the way with which the Murthy's respected her, i was touched with it. And the way Nandini greeted Dadi by touching her feet touched my heart as now a days girls don't do such things.

With the passing te the party came to an end and we take our leave from the Murthy's.

Next day of the party Dadi again started the topic of my marriage. I told her i m not interested in marriage right now and nor i have any girl in my life but she is adamant on getting me married.

And finally she gave me an ultimatum that if i have any girl me my life to bring her to make her meet Dadi otherwise she will choose a relevant bride for me and even i told her to choose the girl according to her liking and m ok to get married with her choice of girl.

But she shocked me by informing that she have a relevant bride in her mind now only and on asking her she told that the girl she liked for me is Karan uncle's daughter Nandini.

Listening this i was somewhat frustrated as i was not expecting her to think so fastly but whom m talking about she is Mrs. Kalyani Malhotra the patriarch of the family. She is very fast in all such things.

I knew i can't stop her in anyway that's why I asked sometime from her so that i can run some investigation on Nandini's background even though i liked her nature and behavior towards Dadi but i wanted some guarantee.

Later on reaching office i asked Aman my P.A. to conduct the investigation on Nandini. All day i was busy in office work and meetings and later in evening he presented me the report regarding Nandini's background check. After going through the file i was very impressed with Nandini even though he was little bit disappointed in the starting.

Next day Dadi once again started asking meabout his decision and i told her that i am ready to get married with Nandini. Listening this Dadi was on seventh sky she was so much happy that her happiness had no bounds.

With confirmation from me, Dadi called karan uncle and asked him to meet her and next day only she met with uncle and asked him Nandini hand for marriage.

After few days karan uncle called dadi and invited both me and dadi for dinner.

Currently i am finishing my all the office work and in evening both me and dadi left for Murthy Mansion.

On reaching their everyone welcomed us very well. I was constantly looking at Nandini as she was looking very gorgeous and for the first time i was looking at her in that way as my future bride.

After a while all of us moved towards the living room and there Dadi asked karan uncle about marriage decision and he said that they are ready for this marriage proposal but they want some opinion of both of mine and Dadi's.

Dadi asked them wether it is something serious and even i gave them same assurance but when they said their reason both me and dadi didn't knew how to react towards it.

Then uncle said that they wanted us to give some time to Nandini as she wanted some time for herself so that she can fulfill her dreams.

Dadi assured Nandini and made her understand that we both don't have any problem with Nandini pursuing her career and fulfill her dreams. Dadi also told her how Dadu also supported dadi at her time of marriage.

Later even i talked with Nandini and made her understand that we all are there for her and she don't need to bother about all other irrelevant things. You should just concentrate on your work. And m always there for you whenever you will need me. You will find me at every step that you will take.

I wanted to give her assurance to be always present for her whenever she will need me.

Later on both me and Nandini left for garden to have some talk so that we both can understand each other.

In order to easily know about each other we decided to play 20 questions and we both got to know many things about each other.

I also asked Nandini about the reason for her dislike for Aryaman Khurana about which I came to know from the investigation report I received on Nandini how she treated him.

Even though Nandini told me the reason that she felt uncomfortable with Aryaman but her answer was not satisfactory. Somewhere it seemed like Nandini was not ready to tell me the real reason and even I didn't forced her because I want her to open about it with me on her own.

I want to give Nandini her own space and freedom. I want to make Nandini feel comfortable with me so that she can easily share anything with me without any hesitation. Then I diverted the topic so she won't feel uncomfortable.

After some time we went inside and both me and Grandma bid bye to them and left for Malhotra Mansion.

It was a day well spent and both me and Nandini also started to get to know each other.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Plz ignore the grammar mistakes.🙏

Signing off

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