Manan Day (P 25)

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On point 5.00 in the evening Manik was standing right in front of Nandini's office to pick her up for their first dinner or you can say official dinner date. He called Nandini and asked her when she will be free.

Manik : Hey nandini. When will you be free??

Nandini : Hi Manik. I'll be free in a while. Where are you?

Manik : M standing right in front of your office waiting for you.

Nandini : Why are you standing downstairs, come inside. The receptionist will bring you till my cabin and you can wait in my cabin till i wind up my work.

Manik : Yeah sure.

Then Manik enters Murthy's Office and asks receptionist for Nandini's Cabin.

Manik : Hey can you please tell me where is Nandini Murthy's cabin.

Receptionist : This way sir ( She said totally mesmerised by Manik while pointing towards the direction of Nandini's Cabin).

After knowing about her cabin Manik moves towards her cabin.

Manik : Hello (Said while entering her cabin)

Nandini : Hello Manik, it will take a little bit of time till i finish my work. Till then you can rest for a while an grab a coffee for yourself.

Manik : Yeah sure! No problem, you finish your work till then i will admire you doing your work.

He said while flirting a little bit with her, in turn which made her blush as well as a little startled from his direct flirting which she never experienced till now, that worked as a new experience for her.

Then both of them composed themselves. Nandini got busy in winding up her work while Manik on the other hand started observing her cabin trying to know about her tastes from her cabin's decor, after that he started observing Nandini how she is dedicated towards her work and all other tiny-tiny things.

After sometime Nandini finished her work and then both Manik and Nandini left her cabin to move towards Manik's car to go for their date.


Manik was driving the car and there was complete silence in the car so in order to remove this silence and awkwardness Manik decided to start the conversation between them.

"Nandini You can look for the CD's in the lower cabinet if you want to play some music" Said Manik

"OK, any preference for music that you want me to play" Asked Nandini

"No preference, you can choose according to your choice. And all the CD's are of my choice only. So whatever you play it will fit into my choice" He said in a teasing manner

Nandini was a bit flustered after realising her mistake that how much illogical her question was.

After that all the journey till their destination was spent in a peaceful silence which was soothing for both of them as they both were busy in absorbing each others presence.


They finally reached their destination which is a very simple yet elegant restaurant.

As the manager of the place see both of them reaching there he moved towards them to receive them.

"Welcome sir and ma'am" he greeted them

"Good evening" Both wished them in return

After that both entered the restaurant along with the manager leading them towards their table. As nandini entered the restaurant she see that whole restaurant was empty.

"Manik why is whole restaurant empty" She asked manik while observing her surroundings which is very beautifully decorated with fairy lights and candles along with a variety of flowers. She was feeling like she entered into a fairy world.

Even though i am a practical person after my rebirth and i don't believe in all these things but i am feeling very special right now. This all looks like my imagination. It was my dream in my previous life to feel this much special that someone will do these kind of things for me, and that someone was Aryaman for me . But it never happened, huh. what was i expecting and that too from that person who never cared for me and who was just using me. And now it seems like i met my true soulmate who cares for me and also respects me.

I was so busy in my thoughts that i didn't even realise Manik was calling me. He shaked me a little in order to get my attention.

"What were u thinking ? I was replying your question but you seemed to be zoned out. Everything fine right!" Asked manik

"Yeah, m fine. Nothing i was just observing these decorations and was totally mesmerized with it. And what were u saying?" She replied him

"Oh! That i was saying that i booked whole restaurant for us that is why it is empty" Manik informed her

Listening this Nandini was totally shocked. She never expected for him to do this much for her.

"What are you thinking? Don't you want to eat food now?" Manik asked her in a playful manner

"No No, let's go" She replied and both of them moved toward their table and settled themselves

"So what you want to order my lady" Manik asked her in a playful manner

"I want to eat the most expensive dish here" She replied him in a bit of playful attitude

Then Manik placed the order for both of them and after sometime their order arrived and both started to have their dinner.

"Hope you are enjoying you food. By the way it's the most expensive dish here" Manik teased her in turn which turned nandini scarlet

Like this they spent their dinner date by knowing about each other, a little bit of teasing and a little playfulness and naughtiness. In short, they both enjoyed their time spent with each other.

After enjoying their dinner both leave from the restaurant and moves towards their car.


They were on the way to Nandini's home first as Manik was dropping her today. On the way Nandini suddenly started shouting for manik to stop the car.

"What happened Nandini? Any problem, are you hurt anywhere" Manik asked her in a panicked voice while checking her

"Actually i wanted to eat ice cream, see there is the ice cream vendor" She replied sheepishly after realising her mistake.

Listening this Manik tried showed her his angry face but failed to do so by seeing her cute expressions and also because this was the first time when Nandini was showing her childish nature to him which he enjoyed a lot.

Then he bought ice cream for both of them and they enjoyed it while sitting on the bonnet of their car. After that they straight-away left for her home in order to call it a day.

Like this they spent their day enjoying with each other.


Hey guys

How are you all doing?

Hope you liked the update😅

                                                                             Signing off


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