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Trigger Warning ahead: use of homophobic slurs such as 'f*g'. Ahead of time, this word will NOT be censored. You have been warned.

Shigaraki's P.O.V

   Before I knew it, the day was over and I was heading out of the classroom. Throughout the day, I had time to clear my head and think about my entire situation with Dabi. He liked me but didn't want to show anyone so he made fun of me about liking boys. But he liked me himself. So this was all just him hiding himself from everyone. With every remark he made, you could see him falling apart in his eyes. No matter how blank they may have seemed to other people, you could see the guilt he felt every time he tripped me and laughed or called me a fag. You could see it in his blue eyes that seemed so expressionless yet, captivating. Like in a moment, you could drown in them. Shaking my thoughts, I went out back like I did earlier this morning when we went here so he could smoke. You could see small droplets of blood on the concrete stairs behind the school from my bloody nose. So far, he was yet to be physical with me besides his 'excuse' this morning. He didn't punch or kick me. He did trip me on purpose once though it could have been worse. I still forgave him though. I've been through worse. 

   The doors creaked behind me and when I turned around, his tall figure towered above me. "You said we were going somewhere?" I asked, grabbing my bag and lifting my pinky, slinging the black, one-strapped bag on my back. "Yeah, follow me." He said, grabbing his pack of cigarettes from the side of his bag and putting one of those death sticks between his pale lips. "You know those can kill you right?" I asked, genuinely wondering if he knew all the side effects. "You don't say." He said sarcastically, lighting the paper and sucking in before blowing out clouds of smoke.  "Then why do you smoke them?" I asked, genuinely curious and almost thinking about ripping it from his mouth. "That's my goal. I smoke because I know it's bad for me." Without a second thought, I grabbed the lit end of the cigarette, letting it burn my pointer finger and thumb before throwing it on the concrete and stomping on it leaving the butt of it on the ground. "Why the fuck did you do that! I think that was my last one!" He screamed, his eyes showing anger, his brows knitted together with fury. "People care about you and your health you know." I said, staring at my fingers, the skin red and blistering. "Like who? Nobody notices how I come in late to class every day. My so called friends having nothing better to do than to make fun of anything unique about me or my appearance. My family could care less about my existence. If you cared, you would let me do it." He said, kicking the cigarette on the ground.

   "It's because I do care. And I will always care. You should know that." I said, walking beside him. "Where are we going anyways?" I asked, the actual reason for us walking after school suddenly coming to mind. "Just follow me." He said, turning off the concrete to a dirt path through some trees. "I swear if you kill me, I will haunt you forever." I said, confused as to why we were now surrounded by trees instead of the usual buildings from the city. "I'm not gonna kill you. I wanted to show you something." He said, crossing a spray painted line on the path. "A few minutes away now." We walked farther into the tangled mess of trees and leaves, the spray painted areas becoming more visible and common, covering the trees and ground. "Did you do this?" I asked, pointing to different art pieces painted on trees, some new others faded by the sun and rain. "Yeah. Those are about two weeks old. They get older the closer we get." He said, not bothering to take  second glance at the pretty colored paints and designs. 

   "We are here." He said, looking up at a nicely decorated treehouse. It looked almost custom and not nearly worn out. It was huge with dark plywood and decor with lights on the front. "I started making it two years ago. With savings from jobs and other things, I've managed to make it fully functional with electricity and everything." He smiled, climbing up the ladder. Following, we made it to the outside with fold out chairs and lights. Going inside his "house" I looked around. It wasn't huge but wasn't small and had a lamp by a bed with all black bedding, a small chest in the corner under some books for school, a dresser and small tv on the wall in front of it. He had a mini fridge and microwave in one corner and a stash of food next to it. "Do you ever go home?" I asked, wondering about his family from earlier. He never talked about them at school. "This is my home." Oh. I guess something happened to his family or something. I decided not to push.

   "So, why did you want to bring me here?" I asked, sitting in the comfortable bed. "Do you wanna leave? You can." He said, grabbing a bag of popcorn and sticking it in the microwave, the popping sounds emitting from it. "No, I was just wondering." I said, leaning back. It was more comfortable than my own. "Well, I figured we could watch a movie. Sound okay?" He asked, grabbing the remote and bag of popcorn. Chunking his remote at me, I go to grab it, it starting to dissolve before I let it go. "I can't hold it." I said, picking it up with my pinkie up. "Kinda forgot. Sorry." He mumbled, opening the bag and setting it on the bed. "It's okay." I said, grabbing some popcorn and passing the remote to him. He decided of some shitty action movie and we laughed at all the bad special effects they did on the movie. Eventually, it started to get dark outside and I needed to be home before it got too dark to see. "I should leave soon." I said, grabbing my bag and school blazer, throwing it on. Grabbing a black jacket, he starts heading down the treehouse letting his wild black hair blow in the wind. Our walk was a quiet one filled with the sound of crickets and swaying trees. Before we knew it, we made it to my house and I stood on the porch unlocking the door. I was about to say goodbye when I noticed a cigarette hanging in his mouth. "I've told you already. Those are bad for your health." He leaned in to kiss me softly, pulling away a few moments later to speak.

   "Loving someone is more dangerous to health than smoking. You kill me too." 

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