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Shigaraki's P.O.V

   I was released from the hospital that Thursday night with new bandages and an appointment in two weeks for my stitches to be removed. They also recommended me to a therapist while I was there and I had an appointment with him next Tuesday at eleven. Dabi stopped by the pharmacy to pick up pain medication and antidepressants. While they weren't magical and didn't make me instantly happy, it made me not think about death and self harm so they overall helped me quite a bit. Dabi wanted to skip school with me tomorrow since I wasn't supposed to go back until Monday but I ended up convincing him to go with the compromise of him staying the night with me which we were both happy with.

   It was one of the first nights in a while that I had been able to sleep soundly. He left earlier in the morning, sure not to wake me up. While I didn't completely forgive him for what he had done, we were working on it. And with him finally getting over his reputation and being himself at school took a weight off his shoulders. Going to the kitchen, I went to take the cereal out of the cabinet and then a bowl. Filling it to the brim with fruit loops, I then added milk and a spoon and brought it to the small bar overlooking my even tinnier kitchen. My house was small but cozy and I enjoyed it. Finishing my bowl and slurping up the milk, I placed it in the clean sink. Dabi must have done the dishes last night. I can't remember the last time I cleaned up around here. When I came home last night, I went straight to bed. Even though most of my hospital stay was me sleeping, I felt oddly tired. Probably the medication they had put me on. Going to the bathroom, I went to grab my medication and take my morning pills; one pain killer and one antidepressant. I saw a note on the side of my bottle. A small pink sticky note that read-
   'Hey Shiggy. I should be home from school around three. I'll bring your assignments from school though you probably won't miss much. Hell, you're so smart you could probably never turn them in and still get A's. You should tutor me sometime. Anyways, I hope you have a good day. If you need anything, call me no matter what time it is. After school, I'm bringing you somewhere special. I love you.

   I smiled at the way he signed off his note. I thought he told me never to use that nickname again. I guess things change. Taking my pills, I walk back to my room. I didn't have much to do today except whatever Dabi had planned for me after school however it was only ten thirty and he would come home in five hours giving me plenty of time to get ready. Deciding to take a shower, I put a plastic cast over my bandages. The doctor said I could shower since it wasn't a huge surgery or too major of a cut. He gave me plastic casts to put over my arms so the bandages wouldn't get wet. Grabbing a towel and underwear, I went to the bathroom and started my shower. It was relaxing and felt nice on my tense muscles. Since they wouldn't let me move around my room too much during my stay, my legs hurt to walk for too long and I felt sticky and sweaty. After spending a good thirty minutes in the bathroom, I came out with semi wet hair and boxers on digging through my small closet to find something to wear. I settled on black pants and a grey shirt with a dark stripe across the upper chest. I decided to let my hair air dry before I brushed it.

   Exiting my room, I checked my phone that was on the bar and saw a message. It was around the end lunchtime at school. Opening my phone, I smiled at the screen seeing as it was a message from Dabs.
Dabi: I can't wait to get home. You took your pills today right?
Tourma: yes. I did.
Dabi: good. I'm assuming you saw the note?
Tourma: I read it. Can you tell me where we are going?
Dabi: that's a surprise! You'll know when I get home. Lunch is over. See you at 3. Love you!
Tourma: love you too!

   And with that, our conversation was over just as it started. Closing my phone, I sighed and turned on my tv. Just a few more hours and he will be home. Turning the show to a random game show, I let it settle for background noise, not really paying attention to it. Laying down on the couch, I let the darkness consume me and I fell asleep. I woke up only a few hours later to the door being opened and the sound of it slamming. "Hello." I stared, sitting up with a smiley daze from the couch. "Hello sleeping beauty." He smiled, taking off his jacket and placing it on a chair. "I'm gonna get ready and then we can head out okay?" I only nodded and smiled, rubbing my eyes and turning the tv off. Going to the kitchen, I spotted his jacket on the chair. It looked like his letterman jacket, mostly white with black sleeves. I slipped it over my shirt, the warmth heating me up quickly. I smiled, inhaling the scent of his cologne and smoke. It felt comforting.

   He came out of my room with a black long sleeved sweater and light colored pants. Holding out his hand, I grabbed it and we walked out of the door. It was a calming walk. Because it was later in winter time, the sun was already close to the horizon making a nice scenery to where we were going. "Now that you're home from school, can you tell me where we are going?" I asked, swinging our hands between us. "Not yet. It's not too far. We'll be there soon." He smiled at me. It felt nice to hold his hand in public. Our walk was silent, our feet hitting the gravel and the sounds of the wind blowing trees. It was completely silent; a good silent.

   We took a sharp turn left on a dirt path through some trees. He started pacing faster and faster the closer we got until he was just dragging me to our destination. "I can't keep up!" I screamed, feeling him let go of my hand. He turned around and hoisted me up on his back and continued running. It felt nice to have the wind through my hair and blow against my face. I closed my eyes enjoying the ride until we made an abrupt stop. Peeling my eyes opened, I stared out at the field. A field of red roses. They were stacked up in rows climbing on fences and twisting into the ground. The sun was setting behind them giving the ground a dark hue and the roses looked like blood. It was beautiful. "How did you find this?" I wondered, hopping off his back and reaching for his hand again. "I've known for a while. My siblings would meet me out here after I ran away and we would sit in the field and just catch up. It was always a special place in my heart." I smiled. "Then why did you bring me here?" I asked. "Becasue you're very special to me." He answered. "Do you love me?" I asked, looking down at the roses. He gripped my hand a little tighter as we watched the sun set. "Of course I do."

   "I'm supposed to love you."

The End

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