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Dabi's p.o.v

I felt like I was wearing lead shoes while I walked down the hallway. It smelled like bleach and Clorox in the hallways making me want to sneeze, the overall smell of the place making me gag. It wasn't bad, just strong and streile. Room 319. Making my way to the elevator, I press a button for the third floor. The ride was astonishingly slow and I wished I had taken the stairs. It felt like years before the doors opened. The hallway was purely white, no color or splash of color in sight. I stared at the room numbers as I walked slowly down the hallway. I didn't have the energy to run at all. I couldn't even walk normally. 316. 317. 318. 319. There it was. The room I had wanted to reach.

   Opening the door, I stood there staring at the ground afraid to look up at what I would see. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting when I did. He had a heart monitor, steadily beeping beside him, a few IV tubes poked into his arms. I guessed that they had used stitches for his cuts as his arms were heavily bandaged. They had also wrapped his neck with bandages but they were a lot lighter than what was on his arms. I pulled up a chair next to his bed and sat there. It was uncomfortable and hard, barely cushioning my body but I didn't care. I sat there, staring at him. My entire gaze was fixed on him. I didn't expect him to wake up any time soon; maybe not even for the rest of today but I was prepared to wait. For him.

   I sat there for what felt like hours, watching his chest rise and fall, the slow beeping of his heart monitor always in the back of my mind. It seemed like there was nothing else I could do but wait. I wasn't going to try and wake him myself and I sure as hell wasn't going to leave before I saw him awake.  I reached out for his hand which was laying comfortably beside his body. His hair was sprawled around the pillow his hands were the only part of his arms not wrapped but they still looked bad. I tried fixing his hands earlier but I didn't expect something like this to happen. Twice in one day. Not to mention what I can only assume he did yesterday. All because of me. I didn't deserve him and he didn't deserve what I put him through. His hand rested in mine, his gloves were off. That's right, he ripped them off earlier. This day felt like it was dragging on forever but it wasn't even two o clock yet. That's when I felt it. The slightest movement of his hand. I had moved to gripping his pinkie finger and my pinkie finger together. Then his hands started moving more and his eyes peeling open slowly.

   Once his eyes were open all the way, he didn't look around but stared at the ceiling. He started silently crying. I didn't notice at first until tears ran down his face and cheeks, soaking into the white pillow. He closed his eyes again and tried to go back to wherever he was before but sighed in defeat, opening them again. This time, he did take the chance to look around and met my gaze. "You shouldn't have followed me. Why did you bring me here?" He asked. His voice didn't sound angry or filled with any emotion. Maybe sadness and tiredness but mostly monotone. "Because you don't deserve to die. You still have so much ahead of you." He laughed; a weird giggle sort of snort. "What's the real reason because I don't buy any of that shit. What, more reasons to make my life hell? Maybe to brag to all your friends? Tell your girlfriend? I don't care just pick one." He stared back at the ceiling. "Well, for starters, she isn't my girlfriend. Secondly, none of those reasons. It's because I love you." He closed his eyes. "You know, you are really funny. Saying you love me and then making fun of everything about me. Not calling her your girlfriend, yet letting her kiss you in front of everyone. Calling me your boyfriend, yet telling everyone you hate me. It's funny to watch my life fall apart in my hands over someone. So, let me put some things in perspective for you. I'm not your boyfriend, I plan on not going to school tomorrow or ever. She, is your girlfriend. Everyone believes it, she believes it. You're her boyfriend. You, are my biggest bully and someone who likes to pick at me and make fun of my existence. My parents are gone, I hate everything about myself. Oh, and don't forget that I'm a villain. There's my life for you. Sounds pretty shitty huh?" I couldn't say anything. I couldn't prove him wrong. I couldn't say anything to fix this right now.

"I know. I know I did some pretty shitty things to you. Some of it, I don't even want to mention. And I'm not going to sit here all butt hurt over the truth. I really do regret everything. I know, I've messed up. I know you won't forgive me. I know that whatever I say won't fix the past. But when I carried you into town to find the hospital. When you passed out in my arms. When you almost died while I held you it just...killed me. I thought I was going to die if you died. And I think that's what love is. I don't know. I've never felt this way towards someone. But your life is just as important as mine. I love you. I'm sorry." I wasn't crying but I felt sad and tired. He went silent, staring at the ceiling. He didn't say anything to me. I stood up and walked out of the room.

   Going to the front desk, I went to pay the woman for his room and stay. I knew he wouldn't be out tomorrow but I hoped he would be at school the next day. After leaving, I went back to his house. I knew I couldn't do much but I cleaned the bathroom for him and threw away his pocket knife. I found my pack of cigarettes in his trash can along with my lighter. They must have fallen out of my bag yesterday. Keeping them in the trash can, I finished cleaning the house and his room making it more homey when he would get home. By the time I left, it was dark outside. I made my way back to my "house" shortly and crashed into my bed. My phone fell onto the ground with a clank. I picked it up and stared at it for a second before I got an idea.

Dabi: I'm breaking up with you. Send the photo of me and Tomura to the whole school if you want. I don't care anymore.

Toga: You have no idea what you've just done...

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