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Trigger Warning: mentions of self harm/blood

Shigaraki's p.o.v

The second we heard the sound, our eyes ripped open and reality came back to us. We looked over at the entrance to the rooftop seeing one of Dabi's "friends" Toga. I never liked the girl but I couldn't tell her that. She might stab me with one of her support items. They were knifes but she was allowed to have them because of her quirk. "What are you doing up here?" He screamed, anger and a hint of fear mixed into his voice. "Well, I hoped that I would be a witness to Handy Mans death but it seems I caught something else." She giggled, waving her phone in the air. I stayed silent. I didn't know what I was supposed to say. "Well, delete it and don't tell anyone or I'll make your life a living hell." Dabi threatened her but she barely looked fazed. "I have the photo and it's perfect blackmail material. If you don't want anyone finding out about your disgusting relationship, I suggest you come over here." She pointed at Dabi and motioned him to come over. He complied. Standing beside her, he looked confused before she grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. She melted instantly while he looked grossed out and angry. I watched as my heart shattered in my chest. He pushed her away before looking at me.

"It's okay. I know this is probably better for your reputation anyways. I'm not supposed to like you and it's probably better that nothing comes from this. It's wrong. I'm sorry." I looked down at my shoes letting tears fall before I screamed. A loud, anger filled, sad, heartbreaking scream. I collapsed to the floor hearing a snicker before whispering. I heard footsteps walk towards me and I looked up to see him towering above me. He held out his hand letting me grab onto it. Once I was standing, he slapped me. Hard. The sound was almost deafening and I cupped my cheek in pain. He looked at me, tears of anger and sadness mixed in his eyes before he spoke. "I'm breaking up with you. You're just a villain who can't do anything right. You ruin anything you try to do and make everything about yourself. I can't believe anyone would be as selfish as you are. It's no wonder everybody hates you. You should just die." He choked up on sobs speaking that last part. As much as I wanted to believe he was told to say that, I couldn't help but believe that's what he truly thought of me.

   "I know. I'm sorry." And with one final sob, I wiped my face and ran past Toga and down the stairs, the bell for class ringing through the building. When I made it to class, all eyes were on me. Nobody dared to ask what was wrong or try to comfort me. They didn't care, they actually thought I was going to kill myself. I'm not surprised that they didn't tell anyone. They probably couldn't find someone who cared. He cared. He did. He doesn't anymore. My mind wouldn't be quiet, the constant thought of hatred coursing through me. I sat at my desk, my face buried in my hands having  a pity party. Maybe I do make everything about me.

    Dabi and Toga walked into class late, the obvious red lipstick stain on his white shirt collar, a smug look on his face before he pointed to his friends. He smiled before we made eye contact, sadness filling his turquoise eyes. I just sighed into my hands waiting for the teacher to start class. Once he did, I wish he didn't. I was right about today; par practice. Taking the blue fabric off my desk, I looked around at everyone, looking at his headband, red laced around his black locks. Fuck. Standing up, my knees cracked. Wincing in pain, I tried finding someone else who had a red headband to no avail. Toga was having a conniption shit fit about having a red headband but someone had already grabbed her hand and made partners with her. So it was only us left. Double fuck. 

   I walked over to him, head down as I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the classroom. I hadn't bothered to take off the gloves he gave me. He let me drag him wordlessly to the locker rooms. People had already began to change their outfits and leave. I grabbed my black shirt and pants out of my locker and began to change, taking off the bandages on my arms and legs. The burns on my legs started to blister and the cuts on my arms started bleeding again from the lack of pressure. I couldn't help myself and started to scratch my arms, the thin scabs now gone and replaced with rushing blood. My black sleeves were already coated in blood making the cloth stick to my arms. I didn't put any other part of my hero costume on and left the locker room with the gloves still on. 

   I made it to the field later than everyone else making my appearance known. Standing in front of Dabi, he had managed to change faster than me and make it out of the locker rooms before I even had the chance to take my uniform of. Toga was next to us and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek and wishing him good luck. He just nodded and smiled making my heart hurt more than my arms and legs. The whistle was blown and I just stood there. "Aren't you gonna fight?" He asked, his blue flames shooting from his right hand. Without a word I dropped to my knees on the ground, too tired to continue standing. "Come on! Fight me!" He screamed, walking closer. I stared at his black shoes before looking up at his face. He looked angry. "You can't give up this quickly!" Grabbing my blue headband, I took it off and held it in my hands, not dissolving away. Holding it out to him, he took it from my hands slowly looking at it before slamming it down in front of me. "I want to earn it!" He screamed again. 

   I stood up, throwing the gloves on the ground. Grabbing the headband from the ground, I shoved it to his chest. "You did earn it." He grabbed it and tied it around my head again. "No I didn't." My face turned to a scowl. "Then what will make you believe you earned it?" I clenched my teeth together. It hurt to stand and I felt like collapsing again. "If you fight to keep it." He stood back, his flames coming back to his hands. The world was going fuzzy and blood dripped from my cuts running to my hands. He looked confused and scared, staring at my hands and arms.

 "Don't you think I fought long enough." And then blackness swallowed me whole.

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