Chapter 4 - The Real Me

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The Real Me

        I woke up in my bed and sighed, “What a dream!” I gaze to see the time… It’s quarter to three. I stand and lost my balanced. I sit on my bed holding my forehead; my head is aching. Then someone knocked on the door. It’s my mom. She entered my room together with Ms Lee.

        “Amanda we need to talk…”Ms Lee told me with her calm voice.

        “Do you have problems with my grades ma’am? I’m sorry… I can’t speak in front of the people. I’m too shy to do that… I-”

        “It’s about few minutes ago… the monster?...” she interrupted.

        I stared on her about a minute. It’s not a dream. It’s true. The monster, Dranae… the smoke… the chosen one…

        “Amanda, I know it sounds crazy but you don’t know who’s the real you.”

        “What?” I drowned to a deep confusion. “Mom, what was she saying? I can’t understand.”

        “I’m sorry… I should have told you about his. Amy… you’re not my daughter.” My mother said with teary eyes. She started to explain everything as teardrops flowed on her rosy cheeks.

        I did not move. I breathe slowly but my heart beats faster. I listened but I cannot understand her. I do not know myself. I found myself hugging her as my tears rolled on my face.

        “I don’t know who are they but they gave me you, Amy. My real child died a week after she was born so I took care of you. They said monsters are looking for you. I went home carrying the baby… you Amy… I loved you like my real daughter.”

        “Monsters… so what am I? Exactly…”I asked.

        “Amy, you shouldn’t-”

        “A witch…You are a witch Amanda.” Ms Lee said.

        “What?” I was stunned. My eyes soared and my lips hardened with great surprise.

        “You’re one of us Amanda.” Ms Lee tapped my shoulder and started to clarify the truth. “Amanda you should learn how to use your powers. You’re the strongest witch that had ever lived. You’re thirteen now and I think it’s time to be on duty…”

        “On duty?...why me?... I’m not ready… I can’t…” I refused.

        “Amanda…Listen to me.” She held my face with both of her hands, “You’re the chosen one. You are very powerful. It’s very rare that witches were born with natural powers. Normally, we had our powers at the age of thirteen. Amanda, you’re not like us.  It’s on your blood.”

        I still can’t speak then; thoughts of the past became clearer to me… When I was seven, I was reading my book then, my classmate got it and threw it away. I got very angry… the temperature rises… The next thing I knew was the whole building was on fire. I was still sitting in the middle of the room, lying on the floor. All I can see is fire but I can feel nothing… not a single burn or scratch…

        I was relieved now. I’m starting to accept my real nature… I AM A WITCH.

        “We should leave as soon as possible or Aradia’s demons will track us.” Ms Lee sighed.

        I looked at mom with my wet eye still glittering with different emotions.

        “You should go now. I’ll be alright.” My mom said… half smile… I can see in her eyes that she’s worried but she’s hiding it.

        “I’ll miss you” Then, I hugged her tight.

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