23. Count Down

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Wyatt was counting down the days until the day of the flight. It was all he was looking forward to.

It was Thursday, a day left before they were to  leave.

They hadn't talked much at all since their texts; only time they had time to talk was when Tyler called on him in class.

Tyler called on him when he'd see Wyatt on his phone, or when he'd be whispering over to Alexa.

"Navarro, did you hear that? film is what?"

"A series of moving images shown on a screen, that make up a story."

Tyler would grin at him and continue on with the lecture.

As soon as it was over, Wyatt got up, following behind Syd as Alexa led them.

"No club today right?" Syd asked him before leaving.

"Nah, not today."

She nodded.

He smiled slyly as Wyatt walked past him, behind Syd.

As Wyatt walked out, he watched Alexa jump into Nate's arms. They kissed.

"Oh shit, you got a new man?" Syd laughed.

"Oh yeah! Nate, this is Syd..." she looked over at Wyatt, her smile fading. "And Wyatt."

He said hello to both, he eyed Wyatt too.

"We've been seeing each other since Frank introduced us."

"You go here too?" Wyatt asked him.

"Nah, I graduated last year."

"He wants to direct too," Alexa replied.

"Oh, so you have a type?" Syd looked over at Wyatt, jokingly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nate asked.

Alexa rolled her eyes.

"Nothing, she likes to start shit."

Syd laughed, Wyatt following.

"I'm gonna go then, I got work. Nice meeting you Grant."

"It's Nate."

"My bad," Wyatt laughed. "I'll see you around." He looked over at both Syd and Alexa.

Alexa knew he was trying to throw punches. She couldn't help but smile a little.


"How's your ankle?" Wyatt put on the apron as Crystal swept the floors.

It was relatively slow, a few customers coming in and out. Luckily it was Frank, Crystal, and Wyatt on duty today.

"Better. Less swollen," she replied.

"Did you guys see Alexa and Nate at the party? All coupled up?" Frank asked.

They hadn't gotten a chance to talk about the night of Frank's party. Everyone had gone their separate way after that night.

"He picked her up after class today," Wyatt looked over.

"He'll get tired of her after awhile. I love her but she's too much sometimes," Crystal replied.

They all agreed.

"What about Saturday? Steve wanted us to go bowling again," Frank asked.

"I'm in." Crystal chimed.

They looked over at Wyatt, waiting for a response.

"Hello? you coming?" Frank nudged him.

He was washing some blenders.

"I can't. I'm uh..."

"You're what? you got a date?" Crystal laughed.

Wyatt stopped what he was doing and looked over at them both.

"Tyler invited me to go to London with him for the weekend."

Crystal and Frank looked at each other in surprise before letting out a laugh.

"Whatever, what's the real reason?" Crystal walked over.

"I'm serious. He's doing a director's conference and he wanted me to experience it too. Leaving tomorrow night."

"Since when y'all so close?" Frank crossed his arms in front of him.

"It's not even that big of deal. He just really likes my work, he said I have potential or whatever."

"Damn," Frank looked over at the door. "Speaking of Tyler himself."

He walked in.

"You got the commission right?" Tyler greeted Frank at the cash register.

Wyatt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I didn't know you guys talked?" Wyatt asked.

"Yeah, that day he came to the art show we been in contact ever since. We been in talks of him commissioning me and he finally came around."

Wyatt looked a little shocked.

"What? You not the only one talking to him." Frank laughed.

"Nah, I just didn't know."

Tyler laughed.

"You tell 'em about the trip?" he asked.

"You tell them 'cus they don't believe me," Wyatt smiled.

"Wait—so he was being serious?" Crystal asked.

"Mhmm. Wyatt's good, I wanna try and open him up to more shit so he can learn from the best," Tyler joked.

They laughed.

Frank and Tyler talked as Wyatt made his drinks.

Tyler walked over.

"Thanks, I'll see y'all."

Before leaving, Tyler placed his hand over Wyatt's momentarily, making sure Frank and Crystal were distracted.

"I'll text you when I'm outside, tomorrow," T whispered.

Wyatt nodded, watching him leave.

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