28. Butterflies

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Two Months Later

With a month left of the semester, Wyatt panicked to get his end of the semester film project complete. He was having so much trouble trying to perfect it, knowing that Tyler would be critiquing it.

He was done filming it, a short 20 minute film was their final. They were to present it to the class on finals week.

Wyatt was stuck in the library trying to edit it.

"Hey," Alexa walked in behind him, rubbing on his shoulder. "You're still here?" She pulled a seat next to Wyatt.

"I'm just adding the last edits."

"Everyone's been done. You know you're Tyler's favorite student, he's gonna give you an A regardless," she smiled.

"It's not about that. I want it to be really fucking good."

Alexa sighed, watching as Wyatt continued to edit on the mac.

His film was again based on Alexa, cinematic shots of her getting ready everyday—from the moment she wakes up, her routine, down to her picking out her outfit and makeup. It was a split screen situation; on the right side it was Wyatt's morning routine, which consisted of three simple steps, his side of the screen capturing him leaving on his bike and riding into the distance as Alexa applied her makeup.

The meaning was up for interpretation.

He was proud of all the pretty shots he had gotten, it was his favorite part. The way the sun hit her naked body as she dressed up for the day hit just right.

"You made me look so good in that."

"That scene? It's my favorite," Wyatt turned to look at her.

She scoffed.

"Because I'm naked?"

"No. It's a pretty shot."

She smiled. He wasn't attracted to her, he genuinely just thought the shot was gorgeous. Alexa though, she still held on to the idea that Wyatt had a crush on her.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend?" Wyatt asked.

"We're just sleeping together," she rolled her eyes lightly.

They'd somehow gotten closer over the last two months. The film project allowed them to work on it together for most of the time, which meant Alexa had caught something more.

"When are you gonna be done?" She interrupted again.

"I just need to edit this scene. Why?"

"I wanna take you out to eat."

Wyatt turned to her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She's never invited him to anything before.

"What's the occasion?" he laughed.

"I'm just bored."

"As long as you're paying."

Alexa laughed.

"Fine. But you have to pick me up."

Wyatt shook his head.

"On my bike?"

"Borrow Steve's car or something," she laughed. "I'll see you tonight at 7."

He watched her leave, then turning his attention back to the screen.


Imaan's gone this weekend. Meet at mine?
-Tyler, 6:45 pm

Wyatt looked at his phone, a smirk playing on his lips.

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