Christmas Wishlist: Orchestrate

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So santa cuppie has been keeping track of the list of requests by humans of the earth and will drop down your humble chimneys a poorly-wrapped gift in the form of a major crossover, set in a crazy mish-mash of whatever you guys have wished for.

Before we begin, and just in case you guys haven't dropped by my message board to add your wish to the list at the top of it, here are the main, non-repeated requests that I have tried my best to fulfil:

1. @Cookielearntowrite wished for a crossover of all characters and an AU of Vanilla attending a music/performing arts school instead of culinary school

2. @HUM0R0US asked for soft Vaughn moments

3. @Belasoll wished for a crossover of current Chip and Xander and their... past??? Selves??? (This is where I gotta work my magic)

4. @Saiyan_Sarah asked for Leroy and Vanilla under a mistletoe but ehe, haven't I already given that ;)

5. @honeystesha wished for fluffy Chip and nasty Xander, which, I mean, as long as they are present in my writing will always be the case hehe

6. Aaaand finally, the most requested thing??? What??? How??? Chaos Crash updates.

If you've had the time to take a quick glimpse at the entire list on my message board, you will see several repeats and/or similar ideas and miracle-requests like 'lesbian rights' and 'a good story', the latter of which would be clearly impossible since I, theCuppedCake, have never written anything close to that sort of calibre and would in the near future find that awfully difficult. The kind reader wishing for lesbian rights was so polite (she even said 'thank you' soon after) that I could hardly find my-santa-self refusing but—how??? Rights??? WhO aM i?

Before I begin to question my identity and power over the world that exists beyond my twisted mind, I thank you all for the suggestions and requests (albeit rather aggressive at times but I see you have been deprived and hence I understand) and will do my best to address every single one of them. Either way, I was happy to see some readers just dropping by to say hi, and wishing me a happy Christmas which I'm always very honoured to be reading /.\ hehe. Merry Christmas everyone.


on Wattpad [Vanilla] 25th December 11pm GMT+8

Vanilla Julian White is a first year at Rivendell School of Music, determined to revive an old orchestra that had, due to the poor financial circumstances of school funding, lost all eighty members and relevance in the national youth competition. With a new club advisor aiding his ambitions, Vanilla sets out to restore the orchestra back to its prime years of excellence—in a search for a minimum of seventy members for their very first performance.

And that is a synopsis of the 20k word Christmas special! ^^ As you can see (just a bit for now), I've tried my best to include as many requests to fulfil your fantasies hahaha, and somewhat tweaked them to suit what I felt was most characteristic of my writing and the general uniqueness of having all my characters in a single chapter. It is, as of my current writing career, one of the most challenging and exciting pieces I've done as of yet.

From a technical point of view, I am, admittedly, no expert in orchestras. I've been in a philharmonic orchestra and a Chinese orchestra playing the violin and cello respectively but as for the accuracy of the terms and authenticity of the writing, I will, as usual, be on my best research behaviour and will, as usual, be providing you with information as accurate as I can challenge myself to be.

Here, I would like to provide the line-up of what The Orchestra (this is how I will be referring to them) will play in their performance and if you'd like to, you may listen to the pieces and guess, after hearing the instruments, which character I have assigned which instrument to. I will be looking out for your guesses and on the 25th, it will all be revealed, and you can see if you'd guessed correctly. FYI, I've already had 15k words written out which means I can't exactly change anything anymore HAHAHAHA.

In chronological order:

1. The Battle of Concepts (by Yuki Hayashi)

2. "Above." (by Yuki Hayashi)

3. Black Bullet (by Yuki Hayashi)

4. You Say Run (by Yuki Hayashi)

5. Next Battle (by Yuki Hayashi)

As you can tell, I am a fan -cue laughter- of a certain composer. Not to say that I don't like any other composer, in fact, my favourite is Debussy, but I have been trying hard to find a certain composer with a very specific style that necessitates several key instruments, which, if you listen to these pieces, you may/may not understand why. Hayashi is a modern composer who adds unlikely instruments into orchestral works and manages to pull this off in the most perfect manner. He is the composer of notable works like Haikyuu!!!, Run with the Wind, My Hero Academia and Death Parade.

Make sure you leave your guesses up above at the underlined area so that I can respond to them hehe. See you on the 25th!


Additionally, a reader had asked for Xander and Chip as Winged, I presume, with Avians. If you aren't a Flight School reader, Winged are human beings who have spirit animals that are primarily birds/flying things. Which means flightless birds, being birds, are part of that group and butterflies, being flying things, are also part of that group. Due to myself having had to choose a base setting for this Christmas special, I was unfortunately unable to fulfil this reader's wish and to make up for that, would like to offer some insight on Xander and Chip's Avians, should they have one.

Chip would be a shimaenaga (I'm sorry, I only know the Japanese name for the bird), a tiny white floof of a prey, perched on a snowy branch. I would peg Xander as some eagle, which is hard because I've used all my lovely eagle roles in Flight School, my favourite, naturally, being the golden eagle, but I would say he's a... wedge-tailed eagle? That, or the white-tailed because they're both on the larger, longer wingspan end but at the same time I feel like harpy eagle Lucienne and golden eagle Luka just sound so much more solid as Avians. I already have a sea eagle too, so... it's kinda hard to decide where Xander would lie. I mean, we all know he's going to be a predator but ;)))

Okay okay, so with that all out of the way (I really hope you've read it sob some people never read my author's notes when, well, I mean if you're reading my words in the first place why not just read the note as well), enjoy! 


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