in the dark (part 1)

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I'm an attention whore...

The rules are simple- well not completely, I'll see 100 pictures of people and I have to select 40 people that I find attractive. The other people do the same thing and then I'll be put in a dark room with 30 people that find me attractive and I find them attractive.

Then we have to have conversations with anyone and pick who we like. If we are matched then we get to see who it was.

It's a bit confusing but all I really know is I'm going to have to talk to 30 people who I cant see and have to pick 5 people that I enjoy talking to.

I'm wearing a cute outfit, even tho nobody's going to see.. why did I go as far as going my makeup? I enter a restaurant type building that is completely pitch black dark.

There's a little glowing, floating stripe of led lights but they dont light anything up. "Come up to the desk," a lady says behind the light that it probably on the desk. I carefully go up to it.

"Okay here's your hundred. Pick 40 people you find attractive," she says and hands me a tablet. I take it, then look at the black dim tablet and click 'guy' for my gender. Then it asks my sexuality. I click 'gay' and it brings up 100 guys.

I as quickly as I can pick the top 40 attractive guys and then give it to the lady. "Okay, come back tomorrow at 4:20.. your session will be 3 hours so you'll have time to meet everyone... any questions?"

"I thought It was like.. a walk in type thing?" I ask realizing I dressed up for nothing.

"No, we need to do a lot of organizing.." she says and I roll my eyes even though she can't see me.

"Okay, bye," I say annoyed.



I yet again walk into the dark place and go up to the counter.

"Are you here for our 4:20 reservation?" The same lady asks from yesterday.

"Yeah," I say and a blue light moves like it's in her hand. Its dim and doesn't light anything up around it.

"Put this on your shirt and go to that orange light and go through the door," she says and I take it. It's a sticker with a blue LED light on it. "Oh and your number is 22, don't tell anyone your name.. it's more fun this way," she adds

I put it on my shirt and blindly walk to the little orange light that's on a door handle. I open it and when I go into the room I see what I'm guessing Is 50 people. The light on their chests are just like mine but every one is a different color.

I guess that's how I'll tell whose who. I'm not actually liking this idea anymore. What do I do? Just walk up to someone and start talking?

A lot of people are talking to each other sitting at booths? This is a restaurant on weekdays. I try to Imagine the place in light because this darkness is a little annoying. I get guys with my looks not how I talk..

"Hi mr. Blue light," a guy says scaring me. I flinch and gasp. He doesn't have a light on.

"H-hi? You just scared the shit out of me," I breathe holding my hand over my heart as if I'm having a heart attack. But theres no reason for it because he can't see.

"Oh, sorry," he says and I hear a unzip and I see a green light.

"That's better, so lead you here?" I say trying to make conversation.

"Well my abusive boyfriend broke up with me a few months ago and I thought. I should move on? Like, I miss having sex but at least I don't wanna die," he chuckles and I nod.

Fuck he can't see that..

"O-oh, um.. I'm just here because I'm lonely I guess," I say and then think of something.

"I have to eliminate people because, you know.. are you a sub or dom?" I ask and he chuckles.

"That's true, I'm a switch but mainly sub. You?" He says and I nod. He's not my type..

"I'm a complete sub, um.. it's nice to meet you but I'm going to go met someone else," I says and he hums and walks off.

I go talk to random people for about 30 minutes and then decide I should move to a different spot because I keep accidentally talking to the same people.

As I'm walking I'm getting more comfortable in the dark. The people have lights and the booths are easy to get around. As I'm walking to the back I'm surprised when I smack into someone.

"Oops," I say now trying to understand what just happened. The guy turns around and I see his purple light. I giggle.

"Sorry, I didn't see your light. I didn't hurt you did I?" I ask and I hear him chuckle.

"Its okay, love. I probably shouldn't stand in the walkway. Do you want to go sit?" He asks and I love his voice. He sounds British.

"Sure," I say and he touches my shoulder and runs his hand down my arm and stops at my hand. He holds my hand and I smile when I feel his hand taking the 'dominant' position.

He leads me in the dark to a booth and we both get in the same side. "So what's your favorite thing to do?" He asks playing with my hand.

I smile at how he's being touchy, nobody else has been like this. "I like to sing, and writing songs," I giggle a little thinking I sound stupid for saying that. I should have said watching tv shows or something.

"Really? That's amazing. I'm in a band, so maybe we have a little in common," he says and I'm now so much more intrigued by him.

"That's pretty rad, how old are you?" I ask and his hand leaves mine and goes to my jaw. I stare at the darkness where his face is and let him touch me.

"I'm 24, you feel and sound like a girl? I thought only guys were here?" He says and I giggle.

He touches my hair and then with his other hand touches my mouth making me smile with my teeth and he shamelessly touches my teeth making me giggle more.

He thinks I'm a girl?

"I'm a boy," I says through giggles. He touches my ears and then my lip piercing. Then my nose piercing.

"Are you sure? I feel a lot of jewelry and lipstick?" He says making me giggle more.

"I'm sure, and so? Is that a bad thing?" I ask and his hands go to my stomach. "Wait? Wheres your shirt?" He laughs touching my bare stomach.

"I'm wearing a crop top idiot," I say and his hands go up and I get chills as his hands go to my nipples.

"Hm, no boobs.. you are a boy," he says and doesn't remove his hands. He runs his thumb over my nipple and I giggle nervously. I'm I a hoe for wanting to fool around with this guy?

"Hey love?" He mumbles closer than I thought he was.

"Y-yea?" I ask.

"Would you be upset if I kisses you?" He says and I smile. I touch him trying to understand how he's positioned. When I see he's sitting normally just turning his top half to me I get an idea.

Carefully I get on his lap facing him. I grab the side of his face and he holds my hips. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back and I think I've found my match. I don't need to pick 5.. if he doesn't pick me then I just wont have a match.

We make out for the rest of the time and we give each other our assigned number. He's 3 and I told him mine before we had to all leave from different exits and hand over our lights so we don't know who we talked to.

I tell them I picked 3 and they write it in. "Okay well call you if he picked you.. your number is?" She says. "22" I say and she writes it down.

"Have a good day," she says after she gets my number.

I hope he picks me..

I'm sorry if it was confusing..

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