blonde moment

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Kellin's pov

We all have are moments.

Whether it be putting cereal in the refrigerator and milk in the cabinet or trying to get out of the car before unbuckling.. We all do something stupid. I happen to do these things a lot.

Especially when I'm around hot people. My mind just freaks out and the weirdest things come out of my mouth. For an example a week or so ago after the waitress gave me my food she said 'enjoy your food' and which I replied 'you too'. She was the waitress, she's not eating food.

I don't think she noticed my mistake but I did. I look in the car mirror and fix my messy long black hair and make sure I look decent. I'm just going into Target but oh well, I dont want to look bad going anywhere.

Once I'm satisfied with my hair I get out and fix my back tank top a little and looking at my shoes for a second. I need to make sure my converse are tied because with my luck I'd trip and humiliate myself.

When I walk into the store I see my worst enemy.

A hot guy.

Okay, I might be a bit over dramatic. I have no idea who he is or if he's nice or not but the way he looks is dangerous. For me. I swear if I have to walk by him or look at him I'll trip over nothing and embarrass myself. It's like my mind is so gay that it forgets how to do anything right.

That being said explains why I'm single and stay away from hot guys. Without another glance to the tall tattooed guy I walk down a aisle and look for a movie.  Target is my favorite store because theres everything here. Movies, clothes, fun stuff, food, everything I need. To bad hot topic and target dont love each other. Then they could have a baby and I would be in paradise.

I'm looking for one movie in particular but I cant find it.. Maybe an employee could pull it out of thin air. That's usually what happens when I cant find something and ask another person to find it for me. I look around and the first person I see who is works here is the hot guy. We make eye contact and I'm sure my milky white cheeks turn the color of his bright red vest.

He's punk and a total badass but the bright red throws it off. I try to act confident but it totally fails as I walk up to him. I really love his combat boots they go nice with his black ripped jeans and black long sleeved shirt that's also ripped. The holes in it are obviously made to be there and it let's me know he has tattoos all over his body.

"Do I work here," the words I speak make my face even more red. What the fuck kellin. Do I work here!? No! That is so obvious and he works here. I was going to say 'do you work here' to break the ice or something but I failed.

He stiffs a laugh and I try to fix the problem. "I mean, do you work here?" I say and with I just asked where the movie was and not if the guy who works here if he does indeed work here. He slowly looks at his name tag and die of embarrassment.

"I think I wouldn't be wearing this if I didn't work here, and yeah.. I dont think you work here either," he says in a British accent making it sound funny. I fink I 'ouldn't beh wering  'is if I din't  'ork her' definitely not born here.

I pout a little in my embarrassed state of mind. He made it worse on purpose. "That's true.. could you just help me find a movie?" I and he nods and walks with me into the aisle. "Jurassic Park," I say so he knows what we are looking for.

He smiles and then looks at me. I blush when his eyes travel down my body and he bites his lip. "I love dinosaurs," he says and pulls out the move instantly. I blush and he looks at the cover.

"I love watching this movie but mine is scratched because of my fookin dogs," he says and then hands it to me. This is so stupid but I see no wedding band, he checked me out, he's extremely hot, and he has a sense of humor.

"I'm about to go eat cookie dough and watch it alone in the dark later... I wouldn't mind if you wanted to maybe come over and watch it with me?" I say and its almost a rushed whisper but he hears what I said and smiles.

"I'll love too, I'll bring pop and biscuits so we can party," he says and I giggle. He's so fucking British it's cute. I pull out a marker and he reads my mind by pulling up his sleeves and giving me his arm.

There are so many tattoos. After attempting to write my number we both frown at it. I cant even see the numbers. "Looks like I'm just going to have to trust you to call me," he says taking the marker from me and then writing his number on my wrist.

"I'm oli," he says handing me the maker back.

"I'm kellin, when do you get off work?" I ask and he looks at the time.

"Eight, is that to late?" He asks seeming a bit worried. It's only four right now..

"That's perfect, that gives me time to clean and do random stuff," I giggle a little and he smiles.

"Good, good. bye," he says giving me a wink before leaving.

Oh my god

I just asked someone out!

I smile widely and excitedly go by the movie so I can go get ready.


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