killing me

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It's been a week since I talked to the person.. I have to say I'm really hoping it happens soon because I'm getting impatient.

I shouldn't have said a month because I want to die now. Why do I want to die? That's the easiest question. Because I'm sick of living. That's a short and sweet answer, there a lot that I have to die for and nothing to live for.

Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I'm happy. I think it actually ruined me. You have to work for your money, not just win it. That's right we won the money. We were a poor sad family.

My dad drank alcohol constantly and hit me and my mom until one say he bought a mega million ticket that was winning. We moved here but things got worse, the money change them to be worse then they were poor.

Just as I'm thinking about them, My dad bursts into my room. No wrong word, he aggressively opens the door and snakes himself in. He hair is oily and face unshaven. His red eyes and crooked smile tell me he's high on something.

In his hand is a camera..

He takes a picture of me smirking. "Take of your clothes," he tells me. Tears start to brim to my eyes, why couldn't my hitman have already killed me?

"N-no," I mumble scared. In three long strides he's in front of me. I close my eyes tightly and the back of his hand clashes with my soft cheek brudly making me fall to the ground.

"Get. Up. And strip," he says kicking me. I pick myself up and do as he says. As I take off my shirt crying he takes pictures. Once I'm completely naked he's staring at me.

He sets the camera to record and sets it on the dresser pointing at the bed. This isnt new..


After taking a hot shower and almost scrubbing my skin off I get in bed. I have no tears to cry, nope.. I've cried so much that now I'm numb.

I'm so drained and lost I'm sleeping with only a long tshirt on and panties. Pants, even if they are just sweatpants hurt. From my side down to my thighs on the sides are raw from being clawed at.

Even if I'm exhausted I can't sleep. With the blankets pulled to my chest I lay still hoping at least my body falls asleep. After hours of laying still I start to fall asleep.

My window opening brings my mind back. He's here.. he's going to kill me. Peace and relief was over me but I'm a little scared. I don't want to scare him off so I stay still.

When I feel a bade against my throat I begin to panic. I dont want to choke on my own blood! I open my eyes and look at be beautiful guy who is about to kill me.

"T-that will hurt?" I ask my lip quivering. He looks at me and then rolls his eyes.

"For like, a few seconds. Longest a minute," he says in a hushed voice. Why is that sexy? He moves his knife to my chest. "I could stab you through the heart? But I think that will hurt more," he whispers.

I guess being a emotional 17 year old has its disadvantages. Like looking weak. Tears brim to my eyes. I'm really about to die.. I'll never find love or get to find happiness.

"Tears? Really? I thought you wanted to die. Or is this some little 'I hate my perfect life' and your not really suicidal?" He says standing over me as I lay on my bed.

"I- I dont have a perfect life," I say now wiping my eyes. His eyes trail to my bruised wrist.

"Okay, I usually need a reason to kill the person and all you gave me was 'because' since you are awake how about you tell me. I hate not knowing the reason im killing the person," he says and I pout.

He puts his knife up and I sit up. "Um.. its humiliating. I dont want people to know," I mumble.

"You are going to die within the hour, just tell me embarrassing or not," he states and I breath in. Its easier just to show him and hope its reason enough.

I sit up on my knees making the blankets fall off of me and then I get the the edge of the bed making him take a step back. I then take off my shirt and put it in my lap.

His eyes trail over my bruised and scratched up body. "I'm not okay and I hate this.. I just wanna-" I sigh. "I miss being happy.. I miss hugs.. I miss being a virgin," I start crying, real crying and not just teary eyes.

"You're being abused..?" He asks softly.

"Sexually and physically," I whisper.

"Fuck, I shouldn't be saying this.. even though I'd like to kill you for the money I don't think this is really the best idea.. if you're being abused you can just move out? Start a new life.. This pain isnt forever," he says and I shake my head no.

"N-no, nobody will ever love me.. I don't want to live," I tell him.

He then does something I would never expect my hitman to do, or any hitman. He leans over and hugs me. I grip onto him crying into his shoulder.

This is my first hug in over 7 years. It feels so good.. After a while he pulls away and wipes my tears away.

"How about I take you away from here and in a month if you still want me to, I'll kill you free of charge," he tells me.

"W-why?" I ask confused.

"You remind me of myself.. well not all this pastel shit but you just need to get out of this place and you'll get better. Put some clothes on, we are leaving," he says and I'm at a loss of words. I dont know what to say.

I guess theres no harm? Its either give up now and die, maybe regret it for eternity if hell is real. Or, go try to be happy for a month and if I cant I'll just let him kill me and if there is a hell then Oh well, I was miserable before too and I know there isnt any hope.

I get up and go to my closet turning on its light so I can see everything. It wasnt too dark but I want to see comfortably. I put on a outfit and pack a backpack. I grab my wallet.

I look at him nervously

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I look at him nervously.

"You sure? I get pretty annoying," I say and he smiles.

"I need the company," he says and I take a breath in. I'm really going to do this? I bite my lip.

"You wont rape me right?" I ask softly and he rolls his eyes.

"I kill people, I'm not a rapist. Plus you look underage. I'm twenty six," he says and I blush. Why am I so attracted to someone nine years older than me?

"Okay.. let's go?- wait" I rush over to my bed grabbing my stuffed animals. I then go back to him holding five stuffed animals and he scoffs at me.

"Whatever, let's go," He says climbing out the window. Oh.. this is going to be troublesome...

Do you want another chapter?


Hhhhh I haven't ate today or yesterday kskskkskkskskk kill me

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