False Prophets

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Still Jordan's POV:

  After some hours, Cheyenne invited me into her room.

  It was downstairs and far away as possible from Kayla's.

   Her room was black and white.

  A plant in her corner, beside her patio window.

  She had a queen size bed as well and on it lie a furry white comforter along with black pillows at the head of her bed.

  Her bed sat directly on the floor and I could only imagine the advantage we had now.

  She had a long closet with a mirror for the door. Infront of it sat a black rug.

  Her white dressers were cluttered with makeup stuff.

  I assumed she left it out before coming to the party last night.

  When we reached her room, she pushed me and closed the door behind her.

  "Fuck I been wanting to do this since you got here." She said rolling her eyes and pushing me on the bed.

  All I do is laugh under my breath.

  She takes off everything and her bare body is shown immediately.

  I lick my lips waiting to see what she does next.

  "Jordan!" She yells at me.

  "W-what?" I stammer.

  "Take your clothes off!" She says with a pouting face.

  I look at her then begin taking my shirt off.

  After a few seconds I'm stripped down to my boxers, sports bra and of course; my strap. 

  Cheyenne rubs my chest and comes in for a kiss.

  We finally make out for more than a minute and without any disruption.


  Cheyenne inserts my strap into her and a moan follows.

  She bounces up and down continuously.

  She uses her arm to suppress her moans.

  I move her arm from her mouth to allow her to moan.

  She eventually gets tired and stops bouncing.

  She lays on my chest and I finish the job.

  I move my waist up and down letting my strap go in and out of her.

  She grabs my face and begins to kiss me aggressively.

  "Oh shit!" She moans as she arches her back.

  "You want me to go faster?" I whisper in her ear.

  "Mhmmmm." She replies biting her bottom lip.

  I speed up and so do her moans.

  I think I like this girl.

  She finally comes and she just lays on me.

  The room stays silent.

  She stares at me before cutting out the silence.

  "I like you." Is all she says as she gets up to go put some fitting yet comfortable clothes on.

  I don't say anything for a minute.

  "Why?" I ask before sitting up.

  "Because-" She thinks about it for a moment. "You're different."

  I smile.

  "I like you too." I say.

  She stares at me as if she's seen a ghost.

  "Like me?" She pauses for a moment. "Like you want me?"

  I chuckle.

  "Do you want me?" I ask before answering her question.

  "I mean who wouldn't?" She says admiring my body.

  I blush a little.

  "Yeah. I want you." I say.

  She still stares at me in disbelief.

  I come over to her and place my lips on hers.

  She stumbles back onto her dresser a little.

  I pick her up from her legs and place them on my waist with my arms holding them in place.

  I take her to the nearest wall and we kiss deeply.

  She detaches her lips from mine and smiles.

  I look at her and smile back.

2 hours and 15 minutes later...

  We finish our 3rd round.

  I look at the time and realize I have class in the morning.

  "Hey Cheyenne, I got class early, I gotta head out." I say putting on my clothes and grabbing my keys.

  "Alright." She says with a yawn.

  She gets up and gives me a peck on the lips and I leave.

  As I start my car and wait for it to warm up, Kayla emerges from the dimly lit house.

  She knocks on my window again.

  I let it down.

  "I hope you know I don't like hearing my little sister moan." She says.

  Her boldness takes me aback.

  "I-I'm...uh...I apologize." I say unconsciously looking down in guilt.

  "You're good bro, but if y'all ever wanna fuck in the house make sure it's only y'all." She says before heading back into the house.

  I connect my phone to the Bluetooth inside my car and J Cole's "False Prophets" booms from the door side speakers.

  I immediately turn the music down.

  I put my car into reverse and head home.


  I have to head to campus in 7 hours.
  I slowly drag myself to the couch and instantaneously knock out.


  I'm rudely awaken by the high pitched sound of my alarm.

  I manage to get up and I head into my guest bathroom.

  I have no energy to go into my own.

  I turn on my shower and get in.

  After cleaning myself and finishing all things hygiene related I decide to give Cheyenne a call.

  The phone rings twice before she picks up.

  "Hey!" She says in a excited yet sleepy voice.

  "Wassup shordi." I respond.

  "Why you call me so early? Miss me already?" She says and I can imagine her snarky little smirk as she says it.

  "I just wanted to tell you good morning and I didn't get to tell you I made it home last night." I say.

  "Oh well good morning love. I'm happy you got home safe and call me after your class." She rushes.

  "Ig-." The phone hangs up.

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