One Night Only Pt.2

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Jordan's POV:

That night...

  I run into my house, groceries in hand and start setting up.

  On my coffee table, I place one candle down and place the others around my couch. I take the variety of chocolates as well as the strawberies and sit them inside of the refrigerator. I take the sour candies into my room and I set them on the top of my dresser for later reasons. 

  I go back into my living room and change to Netflix. I drag the pointer on my remote to the search bar and type in "Anabelle's Creation." As noted and observed by myself and other females, horror movies make women hornier when they're accompanied by another person; specifically, their partner.

  A few moments after I've finished setting up, I get a soft knock on my door. Almost as if the person on the other side is skeptical about coming inside.

  I open the door and Danica's clear, soft, dark brown skin is revealed. Her brown eyes glisten though there's no sun shining any longer. I let her inside and I take her hand. Showing her where to sit down.

  She takes a seat what seems like a mile away from me and I understand her shyness but it makes no sense how she's so shy now yet a few weeks ago she was openly flirting with me in her car. I gave her 5 stars for that. 

  I pull her closer to me and lay her legs on my lap. I feel her loosen up a bit.

  I start the movie and she stares at me for a longing minute.

  I smirk. "What shordi?" I ask taking her hand in mine.

  "You're just fine as hell." She admits.

  I dont say anything.

  I move her legs from my lap and put my body on hers gently. I piece her lips with mine. I can feel how nervous she has become and I stop to smile at her for reassurance that she's in good hands. After smiling back, she takes my neck and consumes me back into the kiss.

  I feel her tension lowering.

                                                                                                           MATURE CONTENT AHEAD

   I take her right leg and place it over my shoulder. As I disconnect myself from the kiss, Danica bites my bottom lip. That turns me on even more.

  I pull off her tank-top and to my surprise, she's bra-less.

  I disregard her soft titties for a moment and bring her in for another kiss.

  She manages to unzip my pants in the midst of our kiss. I pause and notice her face. She stares at my strap just as Cheyenne did, it makes me smile.

  She snaps out of it and allows me to pull off her sweat pants.

  When I see how wet she is with her underwear on, I dont hesitate to pull them off to and slide my strap into her.

  She digs her nails into my back as I stroke deep and fast. Her moans get breathier and it only makes me want to be in this moment longer. I slow down as her moans turn into eye rolls and head tilts. I dont want her to cum right now.

  I take out my strap and replace it with my fingers and tongue. She gasps.

  I suck on her womanhood and she moans extremely loud as if this is the first time she's ever been gone down on.

  I take it as a compliment to my skill set and continue.

  I hold her hands down as her back arches in. Her toes curl and I know she's on the verge of finishing, so I stop.

  "Stop doing that Jordan!" She whines.

  I chuckle and slide my fingers inside of her, causing her to jerk back a little.

  Her juices and my fingers meticulously going in and out of her create squelching noises. She squirts on my fingers and groans with contentment as she finishes.

  I lick my fingers clean and go up to her lips for a kiss. She pulls me in herself and inserts her tongue hastily.

  After a minute or two of making out, I realize I neglected to suck her tittes.

  I take her left titty in my warm hand and circle my tongue around her nipple. She moans.

  Danica takes my hair and holds it as if she's putting it into a ponytail.

  Before switching to her other titty, I look at her.

  She doesn't realize it, but her facial expressions turn me on.

  She closes her eyes and licks her lips repitively with her head tilted up to the ceiling. Her eyebrows scrunch up and she breathes heavily through her nose. I want to see her this way all the time.

  She interrupts me and brings me up for a kiss. Our kisses get more intense each time, Its like she's gotten 100% comfortable with me in less than two hours.

  In this moment, I dont think of Cheyenne and the "I love you's" we exchanged earlier today. In this moment, I'm Danica's.

   She rolls over on top of me and begins sucking and kissing on my neck. I fall into the pleasure.

  After  a few minutes of making out, we put our clothes back on and cuddle, trying to finish the rest of the movie.

  I play with her fingers as they intertwine with my own and I suddenly feel at home.

  A knock on my door suddenly pulls me out of the comfort of Danica.

  "Who is it?" I question while exchanging looks with Danica.

  "Cheyenne...can we talk again?" The voice says from outside the door.


  Impulsive; Acting or done without forethought.




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