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Jordan's POV:

   I froze in place. My gaze fixed on Danica.

  "Can we talk tomorrow? I'm tired and I have classes tomorrow." I claimed hesitantly.

  Her voice burns through the door. "Yeah...Alright." She says with a sigh following.

  I hear footsteps and they gradually die down.

  "Who was that?" Danica asks looking up at my burning, red face.

  I smile. "A friend. We spoke earlier today about a situation but we didn't necessarily get everything off of our chests." I explained with my face still burnining.

  "Oh alright." Danica says as she takes my arms and wraps them back around her waist.

  I take a sigh of relief, in hopes that this situation will flee with time.

  Later that night...

  A loud beeping sounds from underneath Danica and I. We both wake up from our short lived nap and wrestle trying to find the source of the sound.

  After looking in my cushions, I find my phone ringing.

  The caller ID leaves me motionless. Danica lays back down.

  It reads, "Kels".

  Kels; that's my little sister. She's only a year and 2 days younger than me. My youngest sister and I always told Kels that she was adopted because of her skin tone compared to ours. We're lighter skinned and she's brown skinned. We don't talk about it anymore. Our mom is brown skinned but our dad that my youngest sister never met is white but we're all super close to her. My friends used to always come around and because she was only a year younger than me, we went everywhere together. We were the closest. Then her freshman year of college, she dipped to LSU. I had already began my sophomore year at UGA. We fell off alot man...I still consider her my favorite sibling though. That's my lil bug.

  I answer the phone. "Wassup bug." I say as the line connects.

  "Hey fool." She replies with a laugh following.

  "What you need?" I ask.

  "Nothing for real, I'm just back in town at mama's house and was wondering if you wanna chill tomorrow." She admits.

  A smile instantly forms on my face. Cheek to cheek.

  "For real bug?" I ask astonished.

  "Yes fool, where'yat ?" She asks.

  Her new found slang kills me everytime she calls me or rolls through.

  "At home...you do realize its like midnight right?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

  "That's why yo lil lightskin ass so snappy." She barks at me.

  I roll my eyes. "Hell yeah, Imma catch yo rude ass tomorrow. Goodnight bug." I say. Before letting her reply, I hang up and lay back down with Danica.

The next morning...

  I wake up with Danica's body in my arms. Her leg on top of mine and her arms around my neck.

  She sleeps softly and it's almost as if shes not breathing.

  I stare at her for a long minute.

  I guess she feels my burning gaze and her eyelids begin to flutter, eventually she wakes up.

  It takes her a minute to realize that I'm admiring her. When she does, she smiles.

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