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Kels' POV:

2 days ago...

  After landing in Atlanta I go into a nearby Kroger, I had seen a jawn I was attracted to immediately.

  Her hair is cut into a bob and dyed blonde, she has brown, clear skin and her figure was extremely sexy. We glanced at eachother for a moment and then went on about our business. When I got to the self-checkout, there she was again. Scannng her few items. I did the same, watching her from the corner of my left eye. As I got to the stores exit, she stops me.

  I scream in my mind for a moment before leveling myself and smiling at her.

  "Hey!" She exclaimed, showing all 32 of her teeth.

  "Wassup ma." I answer, still cheesing uncontrollably.

  "What's your name?" She asks, holding her hands.

  "Kels, what's yours?" I ask.

  "Cheyenne." She responds as she blushes looking down at her fluffy PINK slides.

  "Well Cheyenne, you one fine jawn, mind putting your number in my phone?" I ask as I hand it to her.

  "Of course." She takes my phone and types in her phone number, saving it as "Chey." She then calls herself to save my number into her phone. 

  I lick my lips and look around as she finishes and hands me my phone back. I wink at her and walk away slowly. As I walk out of the store, I call an Uber to come pick me up and take me to the Enterprise Rent-A-Car up the street. When she arrives, I get in the backseat and begin playing "Bricks Breaker Quest" on my phone.

After a 3 minute Uber ride...

  I walk into the rental car office and I wait in a short line for a few minutes before being attended to. After getting the car; a 2019 Nissan Altima, I call my ma to let her know I touched down safely.

  The line connects;

  "Hey ma, I'm in the 'A'." I say as the lines ally.

  "Hey baby...I'm home so come on over whenever." She replies.

  "Ight ma, I'm headed over there right now. My ETA is probaly 20 minutes." I respond.

  "Alright bug." She answers before hanging up.

  I get into the car and turn on the radio.

  "Silence" by Marshmello and Khalid sounds from the speakers in the car.

  I sing along to lyrics while driving to ma's house. I put the song on replay until I get there.

  As I pull into her driveway, I notice that only the porchlight is on. I take that as though she's there and walk up to the door and ring the doorbell.

  I hear footsteps coming towards the door and step back a little as the front door opens. My ma smiles and opens the screen door with one hand and grabs me into a hug with the other. I allow her to hug me for a few seconds before amitting that I'm cold and tired. She opens the door for me and I close and lock it behind me. She walks me into one of the guest rooms downstairs.

  "You can take this room baby." She says as points into the closest room to the kitchen then walks out into the kitchen to make something for me to eat.

  As she cooks a meal for me, I call my big sister, Jordan.

  "Wassup bug." Jordan says as the line connects.

  "Hey fool." I reply, followed with a laugh.

  "What you need?" She asks kind of cranky.

  "Nothing for real, I'm just back in town at mama's house and I was wondering if you wanna chill tomorrow." I admit.

  I can feel her smile through the phone.

  "For real bug?" She asks in an enthusiastic tone.

  "Yes fool, where'yat?" I ask.

  "At do realize its like midnight right?" She asks in an annoyed tone.

  "That's why yo lil lightskin ass so snappy." I bark at her.

  "Hell yeah, I'mma catch yo rude ass tomorrow. Goodnight bug." She says before hanging up on me.

  I ragdoll myself onto the bed and close my eyes for a few seconds before my phone rings.

  It's Cheyenne.

  I answer the phone.

  "Hey girl?"

  "Hey wanna come over?" She asks.

  My smile extends ear to ear.

  "Fasho...when?" I agree.

  "Whenever you're free tonight." She replies.

  I take the phone from my ear to check the time; 11:57pm.

  "Send me your address and I'll be there after I eat." I tell her.

  "Alright, I'll be here." She says.

  "Coo." I say before hanging up.

  Ma calls me into the kitchen to come eat. She cooked spaghetti. It was an extremely simple meal but the way my ma made it was...unique.

  "Thanks ma." I say as I take a seat at the black and white marble island in the kitchen.

  "Of course baby." She says, kissing my cheek. She leaves the kitchen after cleaning her few dishes and lets me eat. I assume she's going to sleep so after I finish eating, I take the spare house key off of the key rack. 

  I unlock the front door quietly and step out, closing and locking it again behind me. I unlock my rental car from the fob and get in. I open Cheyenne's message and copy and paste the address she sent, to Google Maps. I start the directions. The ETA reads 45 minutes. I don't mind the distance. I start the ignition and ride in silence to weigh out all of the possibilities of what I'd be getting myself into.

Arriving at Cheyenne's place...

  I text Cheyenne to let her know I'm in her driveway. Her house sits up tall and its white with red shutters on all 5 windows that I can see in the midst of the night. Her front porch light shines as well as the ones sticking up from her neatly trimmed lawn. I see her red door open and a figure walk out, holding  flashlight on their phone. I open my car door and step out realizing that it's Cheyenne. She hugs me and kisses my left cheek. I blush. She grabs my hand and without a word, she takes me into her house. Closing the door behind us.



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