This City

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Cheyenne's POV:

Kels answered the phone with a smile on her face but it went down quickly when she noticed her sister in the camera. I didn't know what to do. I kind of just stared at Kels to see what she was going to do next.

After a moment of silence I beam into my consciousness again.

"I take it that you both know each other." I say.

God why'd I say that.

Jordan hits me with a pillow.

"No shit!" She yells at me.

"That's my big sister my nigga." Kels answers, unaware that I've already been informed by this.

"I know, Jordan told me earlier when we were on the phone." I reply.

Kels nods her head but doesn't say anything. She scratches the back of her head, revealing her undercut and lets out a sigh.

"So you date my sister or something?" Kels asks.

"Not necessarily...I don't know what to call this situation." I say, exchanging looks with Jordan.

"Oh." Kels says. "Let me holla at my sis."

I hand the phone to Jordan and she waves at Kels. I picture Kels rolling her eyes at Jordan.

"Wassup big bro." Kels says jokingly.

"What's happenin' foo." Jordan replies.

"So I fucked your girl?" Kels asks.

"I guess so." Jordan says with a laugh followed.

Kels sucks her teeth. "Welp..."

Jordan chuckles under a breath.

"Well I'mma catch you tonight if you slide through." Jordan suggests.

"Fasho just let me know and I'll talk to you then big bro." Kels replies.

"Ight lil sis, tell Mama I'll swing by soon." Jordan says.

"I got you, bye jhit." Kels answers.

Jordan throws me my phone and it hits the middle of my chest, making a slapping sound.

"Ah fuck Jordan!" I yell at her.

Jordan laughs and throws me my clothes.

"Get dressed love." She tells me.

I don't move. I just look at her as she tries to fix her bed, pushing me playfully. I interrupt what she's doing by grabbing her arm and looking at her in her deep set brown eyes. She stops and stares back at me, licking her lips as if im prey and she's the predator. Jordan crawls into the bed and spreads my legs while placing her body in the open space. I wrap my arms around her and she begins to kiss me. I kiss back. Tongue and all. I push Jordan away from my lips and down to my naked vagina. She looks at me and smiles as she inserts her tongue into me. I whine.

"Mhmmm." I moan.

I look down at her to catch her staring. I wrap my legs around her head as she licks and occassionally sucks on my clit. My head jolts back and I relax as her hand navigates from my vagina to my neck. As she wraps her hand around my neck, I hold her arm as if she's my support when in pain, but its the opposite. I attempt to push her head away.

"Uht uht." Is all she says before grabbing me by my waist and pulling my vagina closer to her mouth.

I'm back in the postition I was before, my body being overriden with extreme pleaure. I'm more surprised that I haven't finished yet but I'll save that celebration for later.

Jordan suddenly stops and pushes me away. Im completely taken aback. I haven't even came yet. I was enjoying myself.

I look at her in confusion. She gets up without looking at me or speaking to me at all.

"Yo what the fuck." I say calmly. My legs are in my chest with my arms wrapped around my bare body like im isolating myself from the rest of her bedroom.

Jordan doesn't say anything. She continues to put her clothes back on. She takes off her strap and puts it in her top drawer and goes into the bathroom. I hear the door close. I go into her bottom drawer where she puts all of her shirts and I grab the biggest one and slide it onto my body. I follow her into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and lean on it, staring at Jordan in the mirror.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a perturbed tone.

Jordan stops what she's doing and turns to face me. I fix my gaze on her waiting for her response. She licks her lips and begins.

"I just wasn't feeling it no more."

"What weren't you feeling?" I ask, batting my eyelashes.

"I wasn't feeling you." She says.

Those words slip out from her lips as though they were simplistic. It felt like a punch to the stomach for me.

Jordan turns back around and grabs onto the counter so tight that I feel her strength and see her light face burning red. Even though im extremely hurt by her words, I rush to her and grab onto her arm and shoulder. I speak to her in a soft, comforting voice.

"Tell me what's up Jordan" I start, "I know you weren't just not feeling me."

She sighs and I see her red face begin to soften out. She looks at me in the corner of her eye.

"You're right, It's obvious I was feeling it but shit just felt wrong Chey, like I was cheating." She admits.

"If you have feelings for me like you say you do, you shouldn't feel like you're doing anything wrong and I was here first." I say.

"That's the problem man. I want you but I can't let this other girl go." She says.

I don't say anything back.

At some point I have to realize that Jordan is the toxic factor I don't need in my life. My happiness should outweigh her own. But its hard to believe that when you've been so intimate with someone.  I need to understand that if she really wanted me, her actions would reflect it.

I snap out of my thoughts. I leave the bathroom and gather my things from the floor of Jordans bedroom and leave abruptly, passing another female on her way to Jordan's apartment. I disregard it. I jump into my car, throwing my things into the back seat and I completely break down.

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