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From the second Betty met Gladys and Jellybean (JB) Jones they seemed to dislike her. Very strongly. Betty shook it off and always tried to get to know them better. It never worked. 

Ok, so I really don't like the whole season three g&g thing but in this story Bughead will be taken by the gargoyle king. Just a heads up in case you don't want to read. 💗

As the two teens were separated from each other by the group of gargoyles the only thing on their minds were each other. 

Betty woke up first, confused as to where she was until all the memories from just an hour ago came flooding back to her. Her eyes widened as she looked around and screamed for Jughead. She was shushed by the gargoyles and soon after she spotted an awakening Jughead. They were forced to flip a coin and drink from the two chalices. Betty drank the first one and felt fine. Betty and Jughead looked at each other before the raven haired boy whispered 'I love you' and reached for the cup of blue liquid. However before he could, it was snatched from him by Betty. Moments after police and parents arrived at the horrific scene that just unfolded. 

"Sh-she drank the chalice with the poison, but it was meant for me! For gods sakes help her!" the crying boy shouted while shaking his girlfriend in a failed attempt for her to wake up. 

They brought Betty to the Riverdale General Hospital in an ambulance followed by non relatives in cars close behind. Jughead noticed that his mom had fresh tear stains on her face and tears in her eyes. His younger sister on the verge of tears with a worried look on his face. His dad of course had hope in his eyes that she would make it. Jug was a mess is the only word to describe it. After hours of waiting in the white painted walls of the waiting room they received word that she was doing surprisingly well. Alice and Polly Cooper went first to see their daughter and sister first. Followed by Jughead. Then all of her friends. FP went in to thank the courageous girl for saving his son's life. Then came Gladys, after arguing with Jughead to let her go in.

"Hi, Betty," she said nervously as she entered the room. Nervous for fear that Betty would hate her. 

"Oh hey , Mrs.Jones," Betty replied, surprised to see her.

"Thank you for saving my boy's life. I don't think I could ever repay you and I want to apologize for my rudeness to you. I had no right. And please, call me Gladys. I hope  you can forgive me," she said while tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat. He means the world to me, he really is my whole word actually. It's completely fine really, I understand how much you love Jug and you didn't want him to get hurt. But I assure you I would never hurt him, Gladys," she said truthfully.

Thy chatted until Gladys left the room and JB rushed in instead.

"Betty I'm so sorry for everything I did to you! And thank you for saving my brother I don't know what I would do without him being here! Please forgive me?" she said quickly with guilt lacing her voice.

"It's okay JB. I will always, always put your brother first okay? I'll make sure no harm ever comes to him ever. And I was thinking I could teach you how to fix a car without a manual, if you want," Betty said while grinning widely.

"Oh my god, really?" the younger girl replied while excitement filled her voice.

After half an hour Jughead was confused and worried as to why Jellybean hadn't come out yet. He raced through the hallway and opened the door only to find his younger sister on the edge of the hospital bed while Betty was recalling stories from childhood to now. He smiled and walked over to his smiling girlfriend and kissed her while he joined in on the story telling. That night after friends and family had left it was only Jughead left. They cuddled and right when they were about to drift off into sleep he whispered 'I love you'.

(A/N hey guys! It's me, the author and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave requests in the comments 💗)

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