School Project

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(Thank you @Bughead_stories110 for the request! Go check them out, such a phenomenal writer 💗)

Betty Cooper. Riverdale's golden girl. Perfect is what she is. At least, that's what everyone thinks. Only her closest companions know the dark truths of what lies behind the door of the Cooper residence. The truth that, Alice Cooper, cannot handle. The truth that Hal Cooper left the family when he found out his eldest child was pregnant. The truth that Polly Cooper had been hit by another car which caused an accident that in turn took her life. Alice Cooper and Betty Cooper mourned their loss and had a private funeral only inviting select friends and family whom they trusted. After that Alice only became more protective and overbearing. So yeah, not so perfect. To top things off Jughead Jones, Riverdale's resident bad boy, Jughead Jones, was always making fun of her. But Betty stood up for herself and threw insults right back. It was an ongoing battle which Betty found irritating.

Jughead Jones. Leader of the Southside Serpents. Everyone thinks his life is all sunshine and rainbows. He had friends, a happy family and he did well in school. But to him it was more like thunderstorms  and dark rain clouds rather than sunshine and rainbows. His mother and sister left to Toledo after his father became an alcoholic and hadn't seen them in years. What hurt most was that they never called him. Not even once. So, definitely not as good as everyone believes it to be. He was always envious of kids like Betty Cooper. Perfect family. Perfect friends. Perfect life. So one day he made fun of her, to make her feel the pain he felt everyday. But, much to his surprise, she shot an insult right back at him and all the serpents that laughed when he made fun of her. And it became a bit of a game. He quite enjoyed it, really. 

Jughead strolled into class that day, late as ever and ignored the teacher giving out at him. He scanned the classroom and saw that the only seat that was empty was next to Betty. At first he thought this was strange and then remembered that none of her friends had this class. He smirked and swaggered his way over to the seat. She rolled her eyes when he arrived.

"Is this seat empty?" he asked, with an annoying grin plastered onto his face. 

"I don't know, what does it look like to you?" she answered in response.

The teacher resumed the lesson with a deep, irritated sigh. She too had noticed to two teens' constant bickering.

"No need to get sassy with me, Elizabeth Cooper," he said because he knew she hated when anyone used her full name.

"Maybe if you didn't talk to me I wouldn't have to, Forsythe Pendleton Jones," she paused a second, "the third was it? Can't remember at this point," she sighed while her nails dug into her palms and she felt like she was about to burst into tears. You see, her sister Polly always used to call her Elizabeth jokingly and it stung her when someone said it.

Jughead noticed the tears in her eyes but shrugged it off as "girl stuff." The lesson continued until their teacher, Ms. Fleming (Heathers reference, anyone?), began calling out the names for the project they were going to be working on as pairs. 

"Josie and Sweetpea, Toni and Fangs..." she continued. Until she said "Jughead and Betty." They both perked their heads up and groaned  as they tried to plead with the teacher to let them switch partners. After five minutes of arguing the bell rung and they gave up their attempt at convincing her.

"Give me your address I'll go to your house," Jughead stated as he didn't want to bring Betty home to his father and let her spread rumors. But Betty seemed nervous. But she quickly gathered herself together and smirked.

"You know, if you wanted my number so bad you could've just asked," she said and got a pen out and wrote her number on his palm. 

"In your dreams, Coop," he grinned and started blushing, a rare thing for Jughead.

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