Road work ahead?

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(A/N I have a sticker of this vine ;) ok enough of me being weird)

"How could you guys not like Vine?!" Betty practically screamed as she sat with her friends at their lunch table, "Vine was iconic and I'm ashamed you guys chose TikTok over it!" She laughed while putting a hand over her heart. Her friends rolled their eyes and laughed. She shook her head disapprovingly.

Jughead Jones was getting his lunch when he heard the girl's argues. He chuckled and found it amusing how worked up she looked over it. Jughead usually would tend to stray away from socializing in general but he couldn't help it this time.

"ROAD WORK AHEAD?" she said while already laughing.

"Uh, yeah I sure hope it does," Jughead said casually while grinning and passing their table. Betty's head shot up and looked the raven haired teen dead in the eyes. Jughead got nervous, more nervous than he should've.

"I love you," she stated while standing up, drinking the rest of her water and grabbing his hand. Her friends stared in shock. Kevin was taking photos. She walked him over to an empty lunch table where she introduced herself.

Sure, they didn't meet that romantically but for Betty Cooper it was the day she met her future husband.

(A/N what on earth is this mess I don't know why I wrote this😂 hope you guys are enjoying these smaller mini oneshots because I'll be doing longer ones soon! I promise. ❤️🦋)

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