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She thought she was alone in the hotel gym so she started singing. Naturally someone would leave quickly but he thought she was cute and decided to stay and enjoy the show.

Betty Cooper ran on the treadmill and took a quick glance at what she thought was a deserted gym. Coast is clear. She took her earphones out and put on a song. 'Believer' by Imagine Dragons started playing and it echoed off the walls.

"PAIN! You made me a, you made me a believer! Believer!" she sang as she stopped running and hopped of the treadmill. Sure, it was meant to be sang by multiple people but who cares. Who cares repeated in her mind. Who cares if someone walked in. Who cares if someone was watching. Okay maybe she'd care a teensy bit if someone walked in or watched. She sang the song while swaying to the song and her arms in the air, she laughed and smiled.

"Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain. My life, my love, my drive, it came from..." she sang, carelessly.

"PAIN!" a voice sang with her. She whipped around and saw a tall figure with black hair leaning against the wall. She laughed which made him laugh too. Her laugh was contagious. They sang the rest of the song, Betty singing surprisingly well at the quicker more upbeat parts. The song faded out and they laughed and looked at each other.

"So you're an Imagine Dragons fan?" he asked while bouncing off the wall and walking over to her. She smiled.

"A hardcore one." She winked and he chuckled at her.

"Me too. I don't believe I've had the honor of meeting you. I'm Jughead Jones." He stuck his hand out. She gladly took it.

"Betty. Betty Cooper. It's nice to meet you Jughead Jones."

"Back at ya Cooper," he replied while winking and quickly scribbling a note and handing it to her, "I- Uh hope we can keep in touch? If you want to."

She nodded shyly before smiling and looking at the piece of paper with his number on it. She waved goodbye and bounded off towards the showers.
Jughead muttered a quick 'yes!' before heading off with a new spring in his step.

'Believer' then became their song.

(A/N if ya know why I chose believer then 😌😉😉 also, look at me uploading dailyyyy.)

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