Very long bughead story bc someone thought the short ones were annoying.

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It started out just like any other day. Betty and Jughead woke up next to each other (not naked we're pg here my fellow children of the lord) Jughead woke up first and aggressively stared at his girlfriend, Betty. But it wasn't a bad aggressive it was a friendly aggressive. He continued glaring into her soul until Betty woke up, startled. She saw what he was doing and they proceeded to have an aggressive friendly staring contest in which the two teens did for well over an hour. Finally, Betty lost.

"Dammit Juggie," she said.

"My most sincere apologies baby babe my love Betts," replied Jughead while getting down on one knee and pulling out a wedding ring from his pajama pocket, "will you marry me?"

"Omg yes Juggiekins!" Betty screamed. She screamed so loud that Archie, who was next door to Betty dropped the mirror he was holding that he used to stare at his own reflection for hours on end. It cracked and in that moment Archibald Andrews had a vision. A vile vision. Archie Andrews had to marry Betty Cooper.

The annoying ass bitch Archie Andrews leapt from the ground and sprinted down the stairs before stopping abruptly because he has asthma and forgot his inhaler. Archie decided in that moment that no matter who or what stood in his way he would marry the love of his life, Betty Cooper. Whatever it takes.

Betty and Jughead were crying while celebrating their soon to be marriage even though they're both only 17 but it's fine because nothing stops true love. Except maybe a certain red haired, varsity jacket wearing neighbor who stood now in his back yard with a pair of binoculars spying on the newly engaged couple. His face turned as red as his hair as he clenched the pair of binoculars so hard that they crushed beneath his fingers. How dare she he thought. How dare she love another boy except me, Archie Andrews, star football player, boxing place owner, guy with abs. How could she. My heart is now and forever will be broken, he announced while sliding dramatically onto the ground and sobbing before getting up again and deciding to get her once and for all before deciding not to but then deciding to get her again because he's a dramatic indecisive person.

"BETTY!" he screamed. But they didn't hear him because they were inside and he was outside and several meters away from their house. He knocked one the door whilst holding daisies in his right hand which was sweaty, not because he was nervous but because of the long walk over from his house to Betty's which was at least like seven meters, I don't know maybe it's more or less.

He knocked on the door once more and VERONICA opened it with a shocked pikachu face :o. They called her a few minutes after Jughead proposed and she came like Santa with a bunch of gifts for them even though she hated Jughead but she loved Betty so she brought them for her.

"What do you want?" declared Veronica.

"I come bearing gifts," he said while bowing down in fr9nt of her and holding up his daisies which were now all squished. Ew no, thought Veronica.

"V, who is that at the door?" asked Betty. When Betty saw Archie all of the memories from the night he rejected her cane flooding back to her even though they talked the other day when the core four were at pops but now they came back because she was gonna he marrying the love of her life, the worm to her apple, the sock to her shoe, the soap to her hand, the lice to her hair.

"And what might you be here for, Archie?"

"Betty," he began while getting off the ground, "Betty I'm here to declare my never ending love for you, I love you Betty Cooper, I love you with all my heart, I love you with all my abs, I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so (tryna get that word count up) so SO much!"

"A-Archie I Uh I don't know what to say! I'm going to be marrying Jughead!"

"Say that you love me, say it because we both know the truth. I know you love me, Betty Cooper. 3 words, I forgot how many letter. Say it and I'm yours."

"Archie? Betty? What the hell?" said a broody angsty teenage voice from inside, "Betty, d-do you love him?" he asked while wet shiny tears filled his eyes.

"No Jug! Of course not! You know you're the only man for me! I love you Jughead and I can't wait for you to be Mr Cooper. Wait no I can't wait to be Mrs Jones!"

"Betty Cooper," he started, "I love" but he couldn't finish his sentence because Archie knocked him over the head with Veronicas Louis Vuitton heels.

"JUGHEAD!" Betty screamed. Veronica began yelling at Archie and slapping him on his hand with a ruler like they did in the olden days. Archie realized his mistake and began to run away from Riverdale. But he didn't make it past The Coopers mail box because of his asthma.

"Jughead," Betty sobbed into his beanie.

"Betty?" croaked a hoarse voice, "Betty don't cry. I'm not dead. Nobody ever dies I'm riverdale didn't cheryl tell you?"

"JUGGIE!" Betty screamed delightfully at her soon to be husband and wrapped her arms around him.

Time skip~

After the whole situation with Archie and his attempted murder he was sentenced to two years jail time in Shankshaw prison where he met the love of his life, a mirror.

Betty and Jughead got married and went off to Yale together and solved every mystery in Connecticut and ate a lot of pizza. Their wedding was just absolutely fantabulous! There were flowers and people. There were also flower people. Betty and Jughead were even more delighted when they had their first child, Albus Severus Potter no I'm only kidding that's a stupid name. They named him Severus Albus Potter Jones, breaking the tradition of naming their child Forsythe Pendleton Jones and basically guaranteeing him being bullied his whole school life.

Five years later they had a baby girl which they named, Baby Number 2. They all lived happy lives and lived happily ever after.

The end ❤️

(A/N wow wow wow that took so so so so SO long to write but to the person who said the shorter ones are annoying, I listened to you because ily 💓 I'm pretty sure wait what the hell why did the font change tf. Okay well anyway I'm pretty sure you can tell I was trying to make some bits longer so the word count would go up but the word count on this is 1179which is crazy! Also please tell me if you enjoyed this long story or the shorter stories better ❤️ thank you so much, stay safe love you lots god bless.

(A/N idk what I just wrote. What the hell why am I gonna post this. Anyway have a nice weekend if you're reading this)

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