Trapped in an elevator

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(A/N) can I just say that the sprousehart pic above ^ is so freaking cute. Like who gave them that right 🥺

It was no shock that Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones hated it each other. They always had. Ever since the first day they met on the swings in the small playground in the heart of Riverdale. Betty got annoyed by Jughead the same way Jughead got annoyed by Betty. It was a never ending cycle, like a game of cat and mouse.

And so, it was very unfortunate when they just so happened to be at the shopping center, (A/N that's a mall if you guys are from like America or something 😂) on the same day, at the exact same time. Years later, however, they would look back and smile gladly. Betty was going up the elevator to the second floor as the new heels Veronica had gotten her would 'shatter as easily as her Louis Vuitton ones did if she took the escalator'  according to her raven haired best friend. As she stood there she saw her long time enemy Jughead Jones running to try and get in. She panicked and tried to press the button for the elevator to close but he stuck his hand in the gap of the door which in turn made the closing door halt and let him swagger his way inside.

Betty sighed and closed her eyes. She heard the doors close and opened her eyes to see him pressing the button to go underground to the car park. She also noticed that they were the only ones in the blank elevator. She groaned and rolled her eyes. 

Jughead looked over at his fair haired enemy and rolled his eyes before putting his hand over his heart dramatically. Betty didn't find this amusing and resisted the urge to step on his toe with her heel. She looked straight forward with a stern look on her face. Jughead looked at her and realized how beautiful the girl he had loathed for years actually was. It also occurred to him in this moment that she didn't have a boyfriend which he then thought was odd.

His train of thoughts was brought to an abrupt stop when the elevator stopped but the doors didn't open. His eyes widened when he realized that they were stuck in the elevator alone. It dawned on Betty too and she hit the bell button, to notify the staff about the stuck elevator, so hard that it cracked straight through the middle. She gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth. 

"Dammit!" they groaned and then looking at each other and scoffing.

"Do you have service on your phone? Because I sure as hell don't. If you do then just call the people that work here," Betty said quickly while getting angrier each passing second.

"Alright jeez hold your horses, Cooper," he said while fumbling for his phone in his pocket. That's when he remembered that Archie asked to borrow his phone because he broke his and didn't want his mom to notice. "Well I don't and you can't get mad at me because neither does yours."

Jughead slid down the floor, brought his knees up to his chest and rested his head on his crossed arms. (A/N that sounds confusing just imagine him sitting in the floor 😂) Betty followed his actions and turned to look at him. She noticed the way his eyebrows twitched and how he bit his lip and couldn't help but turn shy and flustered. She shifted around uncomfortably because of her heels. She made a note to herself not to wear them on a shopping trip again. Jughead heard her uncomfortableness. 

"Do they hurt?" he asked. He didn't know why he was being so civil.

She shrugged and tried to wiggle out of the buckle of the strap on her ankle which she couldn't undo, but failed. She sighed loudly as she became frustrated. Jughead scooted over closer to her and unclasped the gold buckle and chuckled at how easily he did it. She blushed furiously and took the dainty shoe out of his hand and muttered a quick thanks as he did the other one. He sat back in his place only to be closer to her than before.

"Why do we hate each other?" she asked out loud.

"Hmph. I don't really know. I didn't do anything to you did I?" he answered, his brow furrowed.

"I guess not and I didn't do anything to you either."

They sat in silence for some time taking in the information they had just realized. It was quite simple, really. They had no reason for disliking one another. Jughead licked his lips before examining her face closely and smiling when she turned to look at him. She smiled back. 

"What if we..." Jughead managed to get out before shaking his head and turning red. Betty raised her eyebrows.

"What if we get to know each other? Like properly. You know what it's a stupid idea sorry," he rushed. She giggled at how flustered he got and grabbed his hand. He looked down at it and grinned, before coughing and looking at her. She laughed.

"It's fine. I think we should." She smiled brightly.

And so, that's what they did for an hour. Then they realized how long they'd actually been in there for. They stood up, brushed off their clothes and Betty put on her shoes. They smile and at each other as they wondered aloud when they would be rescued. Jughead leaned against the railing as they looked at each other, and as they did it felt as though the world stopped. It was only them. Only Betts and Juggie. He looked at her lightly glossed lips as she looked at his. And that was all he needed for him to swoop down and kiss her. Truthfully, neither had their first kiss before and they never expected to be each others. Never in a million years. They pulled apart and opened their eyes. 

"Can I be your boyfriend?" he asked.

"I think you're meant to ask can you be my girlfriend, dork. But yes. You may have that honor." She said with a happy giggle which earned a low chuckle from Jughead which made Betty get butterflies flutter all around her tummy. He picked her up and hugged her tightly while swaying her happily. They were so in their own world that they didn't see the elevator doors open and coincidentally with a confused, yet excited, Kevin Keller taking pictures and whispering various 'Bughead' and 'OTP' quotes.

It wasn't exactly love at first sight but it happened eventually.

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