Road work ahead? Pt 2

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(Highly requested 😂 also if you guys don't know these vines it's gonna be so confusing so you should google them or something for more context)

Two months after they first met, the two had fallen madly in love with each other, it was obvious to their family and friends. The night before Betty had told Jughead that she loved him and Jughead told her that he felt the same. (Someone play believer) It was the next morning and the two were cuddled up against each other. His hands were running through her blonde hair as he grinned happily. The two talked for a bit before Jughead asked her if she wanted to go to Pops later. Of course she agreed.

"You know, I was planning on telling you about how much I loved you today actually," he said as he looked down at her. She beamed up at him.



And so the two went about their day as they always do until they were about to go to Pops. Jughead had reserved the whole place for themselves. Oddly enough he told Betty that Veronica would pick her up and bring her there first and that he would go afterwards with his dads truck. She asked why but he told her not to worry. So Veronica picked her up and acted clueless when Betty asked if she knew why. Jughead came a bit afterwards in his dads truck and hopped out holding Archie's guitar. He'd been practicing this for ages. He strolled inside and Betty looked up and was confused to see him holding the guitar. He looked around the diner and gave a nod to Pop Tate and the old man walked to the outside of the diner at the back.

"Jug what are you doing," she asked. Jughead laughed and started to get nervous before plucking up the courage to play the first notes.

"I love you bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you bitch," he said while trying his hardest not to burst out laughing like Betty was. Speaking of Betty, she had started to cry of laughter and ran over to hug Jughead.

"Hi," he finally said.

"ok," she replied which only made them laugh even more.

They ate dinner and laughed the whole time. They joked with each other and smiled and were just happy to be in each other's presence. After a while Betty took Jughead's hand and led him to the bathroom. Jughead's face burnt bright red as he realized what she was doing.

"Betts? Right here in the Pops bathroom?!" he whisper yelled. She bit her lip and smirked. She led him to the bathroom and kissed him gently. She walked over to the far end of the stalls and he followed.

"Baby changing station," she said while Jughead was already laughing, "Baby hanging station," she said while covering up the 'c'. Jughead clapped and laughed at the same time.

They drove home and Betty told Jughead she was going to get dressed. She came out wearing a yellow tshirt and glasses she bought for halloween. Jughead looked at her.

"Country boy I love yooouuuu, blaaaagghhh," she sang while Jughead realized on the first word and started laughing loudly.

One year anniversary

The happy couple spent the whole day together and at the end of the day when they were going out for dinner Jughead came out with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey babe, happy one year," he said with a smile. Betty almost cried at the gesture but stayed composed and giggled under her breath. She acted confused and shocked for a second.

"I'm 27," she said to which Jughead burst into a fit of laughter and Betty with him.

"Y-you got me good there," he wheezed. Betty smiled at her happy boyfriend and gave him a peck on the lips and thanked him genuinely for the flowers.

At the fancy restaurant that they booked, they were given menus and they flicked through it. The names of the dishes were a bit hard for Jughead to read and understand though. Betty reached across the table and held his hand.

"Jug, do you know what you want?" she asked.

"Whattup I'm Jared, I'm 19 and I never fucking learned how to read," he said while he watched Betty's face go red from trying to suppress her laughter. After Jughead had ordered the two talked as they waited for the food to be made.

"You look handsome today," Betty said shyly as a small smile tugged on her lips. Jughead almost burst out crying at the cuteness of his girlfriend and so to ease the shyness away from her he decided to joke around.

"Stop saying I look like chicken little. He's dumb and he's a coward and I am not a coward!" he exclaimed and instead of Betty laughing she fired back at him.

"Oh my god why can't you just take the freaking compliment, UAGGGHHHHH!" she nearly screamed as the people in the surrounding tables looked over at them.
Jughead chuckled quietly under his breath at his girlfriend's quick thinking. She smirked at him.

Later on, their main course arrived for them and Betty had ordered a salmon.
There was a slice of lemon on the plate too and Betty took this as another opportunity. She held it up.

"Well, when life gives you lemons," she said with a weird voice. Jughead shook his head and almost spit his drink out as he thought about her voice when she said it. It was so spot on to the actual Vine. After food music started playing in the background as people started dancing with their significant others.
Jughead raised his eyebrows at Betty as if to ask if she wanted to go. She smiled lightly and they joined others that were doing the same thing.

Suddenly as they were dancing the both realized something at the same time.

"I'm Renata Bliss and I'm your freestyle dance teacher!" they blurted out at the same time. Others furrowed their eyebrows in confusion at them as they started laughing hysterically under their breath.

As they were leaving they saw a box of crayons and coloring sheets for little kids if they were to come. They looked at each other and silently agreed on what to do. Jughead quickly picked up a yellow crayon and held it up.

"Chris! Is that a weed?" Betty acted out.

"No it's" Jughead began.

"I'm calling the police!"

"911 what's your emergency?" they both said. They were ushered out of the restaurant and when they made it outside they were in fits of laughter. They hopped into the car but soon after Betty's eyes widened as she jumped back out with a confused Jughead following.

"Aahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh!" she faked while running away from the car. Jughead remembered the Vine and followed suit.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?" he acted out. They laughed an Jughead ran over to Betty and spun her around while Betty placed her hands on his cheeks.

"You are my soulmate," she stated.

"And you are mine," he said and tapped her nose lightly with his finger before kissing her. She giggled and kissed him back. They drove back home and flopped onto the couch.

"Betts, have you ever thought about what you want to be when we graduate high school?" he asked as he grabbed her hand.

"I wanna be a cowboy baby," she giggled before shaking her head seriously, "Whatever happens will happen for a reason but all I know is that I want you there with me."

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"God we're always making these damn Vine references," he said with a chuckle, "Why? Why ? Why? Why? WHA?" he said as a grin was plastered onto Betty's face.

"It's our thing."

(Also the last reference is the one where the guy is saying 'why?' a lot but he says it like 'wha?'. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one 😂 definitely a fun one to write that's for sure!)

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