Chapter Twenty-Eight: Everything

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Ryleigh and I got ready together. She was wearing baggy clothes and I wore my normal everyday clothes Cheryl had bought me. I mean I had brought clothes that my family had bought me from a while ago but they weren't exactly the most fitting clothes. I wore a solid navy blue shirt and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans with a hole in the knee. Jack looked at me as I walked out. I picked up dad's guitar from the rack of guitars and then placed it on myself. Someone adjusted the back straps for me so it wouldn't slip off my body.

I walked over to the stage side where I would walk out. I did my little jumping thing as someone turned me around so I looked at them. I looked at them with childlike eyes as I saw it was Alex. Alex was examining me to see if I was really okay. I had put this front up against him at that moment as he leaned in and kissed my forehead then kissed Ryleigh's. Dad was screaming for us to have a good show and for me to walk around. I placed my ear molds in and began to walk on stage.

"Hello!" Ryleigh shouted in a mic as she climbed up onto her stool.

"I am a little unable to walk or run around for a while guys. I am injured right now." Ryleigh lied as more people wished her well.

I began to strum on the guitar and it echoed through the venue along with the screams. I chuckled and went and sat on the edge of the stage. I sat there and played guitar and then someone walked in front of me which cause some louder screams. I smiled as Ryleigh rolled her eyes at them.

"That's my girlfriend!" Zack Merrick yelled in the silence as Ryleigh began to introduce the song.

"This is a song I wrote one day while I was waiting for someone to come back to me," Ryleigh spoke as I began to play the song.

Someone else had filled in the guitar parts and I began to play the song. I played it with such a light touch I was afraid of screwing it up. Ryleigh and I played a full set before I went and motioned for a mic.

"Uh, hi, I'm Logan. You guys all probably know this. Anyway, today has kind of sucked and I want you guys to know that no matter what it is going to get better. I want you to know that okay. I have to get used to this again and I know this hopeless feeling filling my lungs right now is temporary." I took a deep breath in pulling the mic away as I heard some cheers.

Alex was eyeing me ready to climb up on this stage if he needed to. Dad was standing at the wing and Ryleigh was watching me walk around. I was looking up at the upper deck as I finished my little announcement.

"I wrote this a while ago and I wrote to someone who needs to hear these words. So here it goes. To the girl looking in the mirror right now wondering if your hair worth it, you are. To the girl sitting on the bleachers after not being picked by her friends and as others laugh, you will live past that moment. To the boy who is being yelled at for not being enough, you will rise against it. The reason I know this is because I know somewhere deep inside you there is this power waiting to be unleashed. It is on a simmer and not ready to burst out into the sky yet. I am writing this," I took in a shaky breath as Alex started to move closer to the stage and was following me as I walked closer to the edge.

"Because sometimes we need to hear the words we want others to say to us. Someone very wise to me once said anyone can write a story it takes one to lie a story to be a true author though. I thought he spoke complete trash until I watched him write a story of love that isn't real. Love is painful and it breaks you in the times you just wish that anyone would grab you in a hug and tell you all the words I am speaking right now. I want you to know it's going to get better, It has to or else no one would be alive right now. It is going to get better kid and the reason I know that is because if you're reading this," I stopped again and Alex climbed up on the stage and dad started to take a step forward.

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