Chapter Forty-Eight: Line Light

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Jack covered my mouth as I continued to scream into his hand. My face was beginning to turn red and I knew it. I felt Jack wrap an arm around my stomach while he pulled me down to sit with him. The whole world stopped for me as Dad rushed in and Alex was trying to talk to Jack who was sitting rocking my body against his. I pushed off Jack and grabbed the reporter's arm.

"You have no right-"

"If you don't remove your arm from me I will press charges." Alice said starring at me with a blank face.

"Logan," Ryleigh warned and I didn't let go of her arm.

"You recorded a personal conversation that was none of your business. It had nothing to do with anything you asked. It has nothing to do with either band-" I gritted my teeth together while everyone watched me carefully.

"It is none of your business what I will be doing with the recording but just know your 'secrets' won't always be just yours." Alice threatened while I looked her dead in the eyes seeing no remorse as she shoved me off.

I hit the hard concrete with a loud thud! Alex was the first to grab my arm and help me up. Jack grabbed me pulling me into his chest again. I listened to his erratic heartbeat in his chest. Dad was screaming at security to remove her and to take her devices. Ryleigh came over to rub my back but Jack protected me from everyone. I listened to Jack's heart beating rapidly in his chest as I put my hand on his lower abdomen. I felt someone put their hands on both Jack and I turning us away from the sigh in front of us.

We walked a few feet in front of us to a new area of the venue. We walked to the practice stage as I went and laid in the middle of the stage. Before I knew it Rian was laying beside me. I looked at him as he put his arms above his head. Dad came and laid on the other side of me pressing our shoulders together.

"You okay kiddo?" Rian asked as I didn't speak I just kept my teeth clenched together.

"Hey, Logan?" Dad asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"I am going to go call your mom. Do you want to talk to her later tonight or right before I hang up? Also, I'm going to get that tape and we will make sure she or no one else hurts you," dad said and kissed my cheek.

If only my life were that simple.

Ryleigh came and laid beside me after dad got up to go talk to mom. Ryleigh pulled me up by my arms as I looked at her. Alex was talking to Jack who looked just as angry and upset a personal conversation was being recorded. Ryleigh looked at me as Rian propped himself up to watch us.

"Logan, I am so sorry. That should have never happened and I swear to-" my eyes wandered from Ryleigh almost as if I was looking for another reporter to pop out and record another private conversation.

'I can't do this Ry' I signed and brought my hands to my face.

"Yes, you can. Don't let one shitty person ruin our dream. The dream we have had since we were 4 and how your mom let us stand on the wooden coffee table and let us sing and dance. Don't let that person ruin the little girl living her dream right now," Ryleigh said and poked my shoulder trying to get her point through to me.

'I lost a baby Ry. I lost something I didn't want and have never wanted. Now it's all I want. I want it with Jack. I hate seeing everyone sad. I just want to go back to how things were. It's not the same and it's scary right now. I don't want to do this right now,' I signed and Ryleigh nodded rubbing my arms.

"Okay. Well, let's just be ourselves then," Ryleigh smiled and pulled me all the way up and then fell onto her ass as we both paused before laughing.

Everyone was starring at Ryleigh and myself by now as we were both a hysterical mass of giggles and tears. I put my hand out to help Ryleigh up allowing her to stand on my feet as I pulled her up and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"Roar," I muttered into her shoulder as she chuckled.

"It's rawr you fucker," Ryleigh giggled and slapped me lightly in a joking manner.

I grabbed Ryleigh's hand as she squeezed my hand lightly and then pulled me out of the practice stage area. Ryleigh and I were running down the back hallways of the venue something we had only of done a few times. I didn't realize how close we were to running out the venue doors unless Ryleigh let go of my hands and we kept running like teenagers outside. Passes around our necks as we ran outside arms open wide.

I heard the screams of fans as they were beginning to show up for the show. Some of them had merchandise and sharpies. Ryleigh and I went over to them and began to sign some of their stuff. We took countless photos with fans and even at one point convinced fans to run and go get us rice. I gave the fan what little money I had in my pocket feeling bad for taking advantage of the status I had. Ryleigh and I sat outside with fans talking and chatting for hours. We even answered some of their questions.

"When was your first kiss?" A fan shouted as Ryleigh thought for a second.

"14," I said as Ryleigh looked too where it was shouted.

"18," Ryleigh replied smiling

"If you had to tour with someone for the rest of your life who would you tour with?"

"I don't know, I like the All Time Low boys. I don't know though for me probably my dad. He puts on some good shows though," I shrugged and signed another shirt through the fence.

"I don't know maybe My Chemical Romance," Ryleigh shrugged as I smiled

"What is your favorite color?"

"Navy Blue."

"Black or Purple," Ryleigh shouted as I chuckled.

"Words of advice?"

"Live in the moment nothing is permanent," Ryleigh said and looked at me.

"Pain is so much more than a feeling," I looked down at my shoes

"If you weren't doing music what would you two be doing?"

"I would probably be doing music on my own," Ryleigh answered honestly.

I ignored the question and continued on to the next person. I heard the screams get louder as someone came out behind us. Ryleigh grabbed her box of rice and waved to the fans as the person who came out. I felt the person loop their fingers around the belt loops of my pants. I felt them pull my body back against their's and knew the body to be that of the lanky boy I was dating. I leaned into his body rubbing my back against his chest.

Jack turned me around and looked me in the eyes. I read into what he was trying to tell me through those deep brown eyes. I nodded my head as he grabbed my hand pulling it up so everyone could see what we were doing. Jack interlocked our fingers and I smiled as he leaned his lanky body down. I grabbed his belt loops with my one hand he wasn't holding and pulled his hip toward mine. Jack smirked as he pressed his lips against mine.

Cheers erupted from around us. Jack wrapped an arm around me as we broke apart. I didn't let go of his belt loop though. Jack held me close under his arm and I just felt his heart beating. I could listen to his heartbeat for hours upon hours. Jack smiled down at me as we turned around to walk back into the venue.

When the sunsets I want you to be by my side not someone else. Just make it you and I.

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