Chapter Three: Mercy

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I packed a quick bag and shot Ryleigh a few text messages then thought about what I was doing. Ryleigh was over in what felt like a matter of minutes. I heard her ring the doorbell. Mom let Ryleigh in thinking she was here for band practice, or we may be showing off a new song.

"Nope, Nope, I need these two morons and that one in there," Ryleigh said and I heard feet shuffling upstairs.

"You are morons. First, you have the audacity to tell her she can't drink, Then you come in and make it worse. Alex, I understand he is your best friend and you want to protect her but she isn't-"

"Shut up Ryleigh you are so close to crossing a line I will never forgive you for." I heard Alex's voice outside my door before he barged in looking at me.

"So you want to be an adult but you go and you call her instead of talking to me? How many times do I have to tell you this Logan? I am getting tired of it! It's exhausting because one minute anymore we are friends and really close and then the next moment you are sicking people on me. They can range from my bandmates, my friends, my wife, who's next?" Alex said raising his hands in the air.

I cowered down flinching when he rose his right hand first. My whole body shook with fear as Jack stood there I guess dumbfounded. Ryleigh came in and grabbed Alex and pulled him back out of my room.

"I wasn't done. Then you, that is your girlfriend. I understand you have a kid and she important. You didn't follow her or ask her what is wrong as she ran out. Did you even know he was back?" Ryleigh raged as Beckett cleared his throat.

"Yes, I knew. I knew that he was back and that he was never dead that is why I didn't want her chasing that god damn puzzle. Also if you want to be mad at anyone be mad at her dad." Beckett said to Ryleigh before knocking on my door.

I had locked the door and was now sitting hugging a pillow close to my chest. I didn't want to open the door. I didn't want to go out there. Ryleigh would defend me to her own death and stand up for me no matter what, even if it turned out I was wrong.

"Well, you know you make it really hard to celebrate a holiday about giving thanks when she is now locked in her fucking room. I understand it guys I do, but-"

"No, you don't Ryleigh. You still think of her as the girl who saved your life she is not that person anymore. She is someone else she grew up just like you and maybe she has to realize that she has to save herself sometimes. She needs to open the door and fight her own battles." I heard Jack yell before kicking my door.

"I'm not saying that-"

"Then what are you saying because news flash Ryleigh, Zack and Rian will be here in a few minutes. We have news for you and Brendon if you'd like but you know with how it is going I don't know if I want to go on tour with you and Logan if this is what it's going to be all over again." Alex said and it's like I could hear his shrug.

"You wouldn't do that just because your mad 'lex I have known you a long time and that's not you."

"People change Ryleigh." Was the last thing I heard before I heard a knock at my door again.

"Logan, will you let me in?"

I got up and opened the door for Ryleigh she stood there with a regretful looking Beckett. I pointed toward the stairs as him and he nodded. Beckett trying to be charming leaned in and kissed my cheek before turning around to go back downstairs.

"I can't believe him. Do you believe him?" Ryleigh said irritation clear in her voice.

"Maybe... I mean Alexander and I haven't been getting along recently and now I don't know who I can trust anymore." I paused looking out my window.

"Well, you have me. You'll always have me." Ryleigh said and got up wrapping her arm around me.

"Thanks, Ry."

I heard the doorbell ring and some noise from downstairs. Ryleigh looked at me giving me a grim smile before nodding toward the door. I waved as she stood in the doorway.

"Josh, Jordan, and Ty should be here soon," She said before shutting my door.

I got up locking the door again. I went and looked at the gold plated door handle. I heard the footsteps upstairs and couldn't tell if they were Rian's or Zack's. I ignored it until I heard someone say 'she isn't going to open it'. They were right the door would not budge. I then heard a faint knock on the door. I thought about the pattern and how hard the knock was before trying to remember how everyone's hands sounded on wood.

"Logan you better still be in your room," I heard someone breathe out before I heard a key jingle.

Dad walked in after unlocking the door. He had Rian with him. Rian was smiling, like normal as he waved at me. I looked at him and gave a small wave back. He pointed at my face and then made a frowning motion with his hands.

"What's up kiddo?" Rian asked before dad left my room and pointed to my overnight bag.

"You are kidding me right. You're seriously leaving again, Jesus Christ." Dad stormed out of my room and I heard his footsteps all the way down the stairs.

"I'll take it you two fought," Rian stated the obvious before I looked at him.

"and Jack, Alexander, and Beckett. Ryleigh tried to stick up for me. Jack and Alex don't want us going on tour with you and my dad. I understand," my voice rose about 2 octaves as I felt the tears try and begin their violent assault.

"What happened to Alex and Jack? Also, what is with using his whole name?" Rian said and bumped my shoulder with his own.

"Tobias is apparently alive and I was the only one to not know. It just... It hurts and it doesn't make sense and no one told me. I thought you guys were my friends, my family even and now I just don't know anymore. Is there something else like you hate my voice?"

"I don't hate your voice. You have come a long way. I remember when I met you and you waved and signed. I remember Ryleigh or your dad translating for you all the time. I remember you trying to run from all your problems or just shutting down. You have overcome a lot. You sang on stage one night with us even if it wasn't on mic." Rian said as Zack poked his head in the room with Ryleigh behind him.

"May we come in?" Zack asked and I shrugged.

"Did Alex tell you guys?" Ryleigh asked and Zack nodded, Rian shook his head.

"No, but Logan did," Rian said and I heard another knock at my door.

This time it was mom telling us dinner was done. Everyone started to leave my room while I just on my bed waving at them. Rian finally groaned and picked me up throwing me over his shoulders. I giggled and let out a childish scream as he acted like a monster caring me down the stairs.

"I'm gonna drop you if you hit me again," Rian let out the empty threat.

I smacked his back and he acted like he was going to drop me as I wrapped my grasp around his body. I was actually scared as he sort of let go for a brief second of my body. Rian just chuckled as he walked into the living room.

"Move Kolbs. I'm gonna drop Logan on the sofa if that's okay with you girly-girl." Rian said as Kolbi got up and moved to a chair.

Rian, sure enough, dropped me on the sofa. He then wiped the imaginary sweat off his brow. I looked at him rolling his eyes as he looked down at me and moved his fingers back and forth quickly. He was going to tickle me. He leaned over me trapping me and began to tickle me as I plead for mercy.

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