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No one's pov

Ice formed into a bridge leading down into U.A grounds, several villian sliding down and stepping off into the grounds while a large wolf stood tall over everyone.

Eraserhead tried to push himself up and and snapped his head up, prepared to use his quirk but it failed.

He was kicked in the head, head hitting the ground hard. Tamai took one look at Eraser before walking forward.

Several of the teachers were prepared to fight. Tamai grabbed onto Raven and stuck the needle with the quirk inhancer in it through her costume, piercing the skin.

She let the contents of the needle empty before dropping Raven who was making deep snarling noises on the floor, teeth and nails curling into claws and fangs.

Within a split second of her being still, she pounced on the closest teacher and began to dig the claws deep into his body. "Snipe!" someone yelled but received nothing but a gargling noise from the man who was now choking on his own blood from under his mask.

Blood splattered everywhere, staining concrete dark red. The gargling stopped after a few minutes, the shredded body completely limp. Shadow didn't stop there and kept tearing at the body, pulling skin off the bones.

Students looked horrified, unable to move to either escape or fight. "I'll deal with them" Midnight explained, going to grab onto the fabric of her clothes.

While other villians were occupied by the teachers they were fighting, Tamai ran forward, pinning Midnight to the ground.

She took a tight hold on the handle of her knife and rammed it into Midnight's chest. She then pulled it out and repeated the action. Again. And again. Over and over. Until the body below her stopped moving completly, eyes open and glazed over, permanently in fear.

Tamai stood up. She tapped the side of her mask. "Listen well to what I have to say and make sure you repeat it to the world" she started, a voice modulator adjusting her voice so that it was deeper, having a dark undertone.

All heads turned towards the speaker, villian and hero alike. "I, Terrorstrike, give out this message. The league of villians and the Phantom strike will demolish the title known as hero. We will take our place as the rulers of the underworld and destroy every hero that would ever stand a chance against us" she explained, hands outstretched.

Cementos prepared to send an attack at Terrorstrike. She snapped her fingers and as if it were an order, Takamatsu, slammed his body into part of one of the buildings.

"Everyone look out!" Present mic yelled. People tried to scramble out of range but some weren't fast enough. Several students were caught under the rocks as well as Cementos.

Terrorstrike looked over the remaining students, they were all first years. Not who she wanted.

Then she noticed a few students running out, preparing to fight. There he was. Tamaki Amajiki, entire body quivering in fear.

She took a hold of a syringe and walked forward towards the students.

A blond haired student tried to get a surprise attack in and did manage a hit, sending Terrorstrike skidding but in the direction she had wanted to go, right between the other two teens.

She quickly got up and pounced onto Amajiki, grabbing him and forcing the syringe into his neck. Amajiki tried to fight back, growing tentacles and trying to tear her off him but the tentecles soon disappeared, leaving nothing.

He tried to pull them out but it didn't work. "Amajiki. Use your quirk" His friend yelled. "I can't. I-it won't work" he mumbled, face darkening with shame.

He was quickly hit on the side of the head, knocking him out before being dragged over to where Kurogiri was.

"Shigaraki!" she called. The blue haired male turned to her. "We're leaving. We got what we came for. It's your call if you choose to continue this fight or not" she explained, still holding onto Amajiki.

Shigaraki growled something but agreed to leave, both teams leaving through one of Kurogiri's portals.

A Flaming Desire(A Dabi X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now