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Anaheim, USA


The boy's back hit the wall as his head went back with a groan as one of the boy's role-models skated by with a smile of pity.

Donghyuck pushed up against the boards and skated over to Coach Lee who was holding out his tissue box.

"You are forcing your jumps today," Coach Lee put the box down as Donghyuck took a couple and blew his nose. "Let your body do its thing. Your body knows how to do these jumps."

"I am just having an off-day." Donghyuck shook his head and gulped some water down from his water bottle. "I am sure that later today will be a different story."


Coach Lee held up his guards as he snatched them quickly. He skated over to the door and got out right after Shoma Uno.

Somehow, Donghyuck has become accustomed to seeing him. Crazy how the world is working for him...

"I am sure everything will be fine," Coach Lee meets him as he leaned against the boards to put his guards on.

Donghyuck looked on forward to lock eyes.

"Shit," The younger whispered.

The black hair was gelled back and matching back suit made Donghyuck groan.

"Let's move," Donghyuck turned around with Coach Lee following right behind.

"Is that him?" Coach Lee whispered into Donghyuck's ear.

Donghyuck clenched his fists before nodding slightly.


"I am guessing you don't want to talk about," Mark rubbed the back of his neck.

"No shit," Donghyuck grumbled as he laid the facemask on his face. "It was a fucking disaster. I fell on a jump and my footwork. Who falls on their fucking footwork?"

"Hyuck, you will be fine," Mark spoke up. "I understand why you are pissed but look toward the future. You have an amazing freeskate and I know you will skate as hard as you can. You don't have anything to lose."

"Can you distract me?" Donghyuck leaned back on against the office chair in his hotel room.

"Sure? I guess I'll tell you when the three saw my new hair." Donghyuck could hear the smile on Mark's face while he tried not to reflect it. "So, Johnny and Jaehyun-hyung were like it looks great. Gabe was freaking out. 'What the fuck? Why did you dye your hair? You are gonna be bald you stupid Korean?"

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