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Vancouver Canada


The beep of the call hanging up made him look down at his sweatshirt sleeves to see spots of red growing and his fingernails driving into his skin...

The tears going through Mark's eyes were stinging as he got up from his bed to go to the bathroom.

As he opened the door, he looked around for his parents. Their bedroom door was closed and all Mark could hear was incoherent yelling.

Stumbling down the hall, he didn't care to hide his sleeves as blood drops hit the hardwood floor. The trail that was being created could easily be cleaned or looked over.

Mark used his left hand to open and close the bathroom door. His eyes went right to the mirror hanging on the wall. The hood fell off his head as his tousled hair and red eyes became more prominent.

Pulling down his sweatshirt off himself, his arms were littered with red and purple bruises with scratch marks over each of them. Soon, blood started to ooze out faster. The edges of his white t-shirt sleeves were stained with red.

Mark quickly went to the sink and started to wash out the blood as he looked under the cabinet for the bandages.

Finding a roll of bandages, he grabbed it and carefully started to clean his arms.

As he washed his arms and wrists, the words of his father started to grow louder.

"Can't he just choose a girl? If they don't care about that bullshit then can't he accept my request."

Mark's anger was starting to grow. The urge to just punch his knuckles more was coming more. At the same time, he pondered more of what his dad said. 

Why was he this way?

Mark knew he is the exact reason why his parents are fighting.

Would it better if-

"Shit!" Mark cursed as he realized he was picking his scars again.

Mark shook his head as his thoughts slowly started to consume him again.


"Am I really a shitty boyfriend?" Mark asked into the air as he heard a huff from his phone.

"Being honest, yes," Jinhyung responded through his phone. "I know it was a week ago and you two already did apologies but that isn't going to go away from his mind."

Break The Ice (Markhyuck)Where stories live. Discover now