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Y/n outfit

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I checked myself out and got out of the restroom.

sehun <3
Hey Y/n I'm outside (:


You didn't even tell jungkook an old friend was coming over, I mean he did bring girls you didn't know so he can't get angry at me.

"Sehun, hi omg"

"Hey Y/n, So it's a get together right"

"Yeah, jungkook decided to throw one. Also it's a good day, my sister is here and his friends came yesterday"

"Ahh Jennie, how is she"

We entered the house.

"She's doing fine, sit"

"That's good too hear, it's been so long since I've seen you both. You changed so much but in a good way" he said "awe thanks sehun, you did too"

"We need to catc-" you got cut off by jungkook walking by the living with Jimin and taehyung. But once they saw me they stopped walking.
"Y/n, what are you doing baby"

"Oh um jungkook, tae, Jimin. This is sehun an old friend of mine, sehun this is jungkook my husband, this is Jimin and this one is taehyung family of ours" you said

"Hey guys" sehun took his hand out for a shake but only Jimin and Tae shakes it. Jungkook just walked away. "Hey"

You watched as jungkook went to his office, jungkook literally needs to be more nice to the people I bring over. It's annoying.

Tae and Jimin left going to jungkook's office closing the door.

"Does he not like me"

"Just forget it" you smiled.

Knock knock

"I'll be back" you said getting up to open the door. "hello, you are"

"Hi I'm jungkook friend, he invited me to this get together he's throwing, so get out of my way" the women pushed me out of the way "LADY,look I don't know who you are so please get out" you said trying to stay calm.

"I just told you who I was, where's jungkook" she said looking around "first tell-"

"Irene, you're here" jungkook said "ahh jungkook baby, there you are" she said going in for a hug.

"Baby" is he cheating on me?

"Come on, sehun. Jisoo has be wanting to see you again" you said pretty loud for jungkook to hear. "Are you both like okay"  he said

"uhm yeah" you said going up stairs, you could feel him staring  at you, angry.

"jisooo~" You knocked on her door

"Come in"

"baby look who's here, sehunie" you said, why did I call him that. "ooh sehun hi"

"hello jisoo, what are you doing here all alone why don't you come down stairs" he asked

"I am but it's mostly Adults that are coming so it's not very interesting to be down there hearing about business"

"Well your cousins are coming over to so come on let's go" you said grabbing her hand "awh mom, not right now" she whined

"No, no. Come on"

We headed downstairs to at least eat something. My head hurts so bad, you just wanted to lay down but I know jungkook would be mad.

"Y/n what would you like to drink" sehun asked "water, please"

"Are you alright, you look a little pale"

"ye- yeah I'm fine just a little head ache that's all" you responded "thank you" you said as he handed me the water.


I turned around to see who called me.

"Jihyo!!" You screamed as you saw your favorite person ever, jungkooks sister.

"Ahhhh, omg how have you been " you asked hugging her. "I've been good, what about you guys"

"Good actually, oh sorry uhm sehun this is jihyo jungkook's sister, jihyo this is sehun an old high school friend"

"hello, nice to meet you" sehun spoke, bringing his hand out for her to shake "nice to meet you too" she said shaking his hand

You wondered what jungkook was doing because more people are coming so he better not be in his office. "hey jihyo, have you seen jungkook" you asked her. "Oh actually he's outside with the guests so he doesn't know I'm here" she chuckled. "you should let him know" you said

"yeah just not right now, also not to sound rude but have you been eating well" she asked

"yeah, why"

"You look pale, or is it just me" she asked looking at sehun "right, that's what I told her, but she just said her head was hurting"

"Yeah I've been eating perfectly good, maybe because I haven't been going out to much"

"You aren't pregnant are you" jihyo whispered For others not to hear "No"

Well that's what I think, I'm not really wanting another kid right now but if I am then I'll be really happy.

"let's go" you said changing the subject

"Where" sehun asked "let's go see jungkook, i mean jihyo hasn't informed him that she's here"

We got off the chairs and headed to where jungkook was. Oh wow there are to many people "you scared" jihyo asked

"A bit" you replied staring at the people through the exterior door, she grabbed your hand and intertwined with her hand. "Come on"

She opened and we headed to jungkook who was sitting down with a group of guys and women's
He saw us coming and stood up "jungkook" jihyo said going in for a hug "jihyo,sister. How are you" he asked "good"

Everyone there just stared at us, some of the women's gave me and jihyo dirty looks but mostly you because they know your jungkook's wife.

I know I'm late but happy New Years beautiful's ! Hopefully this year brings us joy and stay healthy <3

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