Hurt, Pain & Suffering

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An hour later, Noe heard Amai and Iida wake up. But they didn't come down immediately. It seemed they were speaking. Noe died of laughter when she heard Amai's shriek of surprise. She didn't remember much of her heats. So they stayed up there, talking. And thank goodness, they finally put their feelings in check, and acted upon it. They both came down, blushing, holding hands. Noami smiled. "Finally, after years of both of you two being oblivious of each other's feelings. You guys are finally dating," she joked. They both blushed and looked away.

Sitting down, Noami turned on the TV. But they changed it when they came up. The news was announcing their upcoming album. But they could worry about that later. Noe turned her head, and saw the new couple cuddling. She felt a pang of jealousy. She wished she could have that with Bakugou. But she didn't. Her smile turned to a sad frown. Soon, Iida got call and he had to leave. He got up and gave Amai a sweet kiss. "I love you," he caressed her face.

"I love you, too," Amai whispered. Noe frown grew. Iida left and Amai turned, facing Noami. Quickly, Noe changed her frown into a grin. But Amai saw right through it. "Already saying 'I love you' Damn," she joked. Noami turned back to her phone, a fake smile on her features. Amai put her hand on her sister's shoulder. Her eyes were soft.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she shook Amai's hand of her shoulder.

"What's wrong, Noe," she pushed. Noe got up, frustrated. She clenched her fists and looked Amai angrily. "Nothing is wrong, Amai. Stop asking," she shouted, before storming of to the recording room. Amai heard the door slam. She was surprised to see Noe get mad. It was rare. She was always so calm and level headed. So for her to get mad was a sight to see. But also worreing. Amai got up and slowly made her way to the recording. She opened the door, and saw Noe gripping the end of the table. Noami sighed. "I'm-I'm sorry I snapped at you it's just..." She trailed.

"It's about Bakugou, isn't it?"

Noe looked at her twin sister with shocked eyes. She thought she kept it unnoticed. Showing no emotions toward liking him. How did she know? Amai let out a small laugh. Noe turned confused. "I'm you're sister, Noe. In the words of Hamilton 'I know my sister like I know my own mind'. It was kinda hard to notice, but it was there. Your little flirty compliments, the small blushes you get. Your smile a bit brighter when he is around. You like him," she explained. Noe looked down at her lap, and smiled. Her smile did get brighter when he was in the same room. And she did feel the blush on her face, the ones she always tried to hide. And I thought I hide it so well she thought. But her smile faded. He would never know her feelings towards him. And that's how it will stay she thought.

"You should tell him," suggested Amai. Noe laughed while looking down. She shook her head. "I don't know how. Yeah, I can be a killer flirt, but that's not confessing. I don't want to get hurt. What if I fuck it up? And he ends up rejecting me, and hates me," she feared. Amai put her finger on her chin and thought. And idea soon popped into her head. She smiled and sat next to her.

"Well you are good at writing," Noe rolled her eyes and said something about that not being true. "C'mon, Noe. Most of our best hits were written up by you. What I am trying to say is, write him something. Like a letter telling him how you feel," she told. She looked at Amai intently. She smiled. Noe swinged her arm over Amai's neck in a headlock. "Look at you. You already fucked one guy and you're already a love expert," she stated. Amai blushed so much she could pass as a tomato.

Noe left to her room and locked the door. She began to pour her heart and soul into the letter. She wanted it to be perfect. She needed to be perfect. She spent hours upon hours writing. Everytime she finished a letter or stopped, she threw it out. It washed good enough for her. It wasn't until 12:00 that she stopped. Picking up the paper, she read it. She smiled. It was perfect.

~next day~

Class had just finished, and Noami was relieved. She was nervous the whole day. She didn't even nap during class, and she loves her little naps. She was so nervous she threw up, during her last period. But now the time had come and she needed to get over it. Her plan was to go to Bakugou's locker and put the note in. He would read and the next day tell her if he likes her or not. Fool proof she thought. Little did she know, that Bakugou was already at his locker.

While Noe walked to his locker Bakugou got his things out. Without his knowledge, Ochaco was behind him. You see, she had a crush on him. And all she wanted to do was make him her man. Little did she know, she was going to get hurt. She tapped his shoulder and Bakugou turned around. He didn't look happy, he looked more annoyed than anything. Yet she smiled. She leaned in, her chest on his chest, one hand on his chest, a grin on her features. (Before anything, I do not like or ship Kochaco, I think it is weird and a bad ship, and it should not be a thing. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.) "Hi, Bakugou," she stated in a flirty voice.

"What do you want, Round Face," he spat. Ochaco only giggled and leaned in more. He slapped her hand.

"Oh, Bakugou. Always cutting to the chase. It's one of the reasons I like you," she told him. Bakugou growled.

"Well get this through your damn thick head. I don't like you," Ochaco once again giggled.

"Well maybe this will change your mind," she grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. And she slipped her tongue in his mouth. Bakugou was to shock to do anything. But in his state of shock, Noe walked in. She stood there, emotionlessness. She gripped the letter tighter. She could feel the tears in her eyes threaten to spill. She blinked them away. Bakugou noticed her and it seemed Noe noticed this too. She turned her face into a one of mischief. She leaned against the wall. Bakugou pushed her off, and looked at Noami.

"Kitty, it's not what it looks like," he stated worriedly. He liked her a lot. He didn't want to risk loosing her. She just smiled a sad smile. "It looks like you were just making out with your girlfriend," she told them. She was pretending. She was hurting really badly. She needed to get away soon. She couldn't handle this. Ochaco smiles and leaned against Bakugou's chest amd nodded. He pushed her of and Noe walked off. She gripped herself. She walked to the front of the school and found a trash can. Throwing away her letter for him, she transported away.

Meanwhile, Bakugou pushed Ochaco to the floor and screamed at her. The whole time she just smiled. After he was done with his screaming session, he followed after Noe. But he couldn't find her. Clenching his fist in frustration, he let out a growl. Walking back to his locker. But something caught his attention. It was letter, with his name written in black pen. He could tell it was from Noami. He opened it quickly.

Dear Bakugou
I remember when I was little, I used to be the opposite of Amai. I still am. But some things do change. I never believed in love or soulmates, I always thought it was a big lie. There was no such thing as love in my book. But then I met you, and my heart went boom. You, somehow, changed my perspective in two seconds. At first it was your looks that got me intrigued. It was a simple crush, something I could get over in an hour. But then I saw you throw that baseball, and your power and attitude just pulled my heart. To me you were confident, not cocky. You had this burning passion in you to become a hero. I couldn't help but think you were amazing. And before I knew it my heart would skip a beat when I would talk with you. And I started to live for our talks, your fiery statements and my sarcastic retorts brought a smile to my face. And my flirty comments, served with your mad growls always made me blush and laugh. No one could explain how I felt, not even me. I had no idea what was this feeling. Until one night, I was writing this song. I realized my feelings for you. It wasn't this little crush. I was in love with you. So do you accept my feelings Katsuki Bakugou, my Explodo Boy.

Your Kitty

He re-read the letter. He couldn't believe his eyes. The infamous Noami Katsume returned his feelings. He smiled. But the victory was short lived. She just saw him kiss a girl she thought was his girlfriend. He needed to talk with her.

Meanwhile, Noe got home. She shut her the door with a slam. She leaned against the door and slid down. She hugged her knees, and tears slid down her face. No one was home. Her parents out for their hero duties. Amai was sleeping over with Iida. The house was empty. So she screamed. No one was there to comfort her.  But she didn't want anyone to comfort her. They woule ask to many questions. She picked herself up and walked to the recording room. And she did what she did best. She wrote. She wrote and wrote, until she felt no tears. Until she felt no anger. Until she felt no sadness. Until she felt no feeling to get rid of. Until she felt no feeling at all. She was numb.

Her throat was horse and hurting from her screaming and sobs. Her  eyes were red from all her tears. Her hand hurt from writing. But the greatest pain was the ache in her heart. Heartbroken. She looked at nothing in particular. She was numb to all other feelings. Because all she could feel was Hurt, Pain and Suffering.

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