Hero Names

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Bakugou and Noami walked into the classroom, his arm over her shoulders. The class stared at them, getting a glare from Bakugou. "Any one of of you idiots dare touch her, you dead," he threatened. Denki and Mineta gulped and nodded. They went to their seats and sat down. Noe had her feet on top of her desk and was scrolling through her phone. Whilst Bakugou had her on his lap, his face in the crook of her neck. Noe finally looked up from her phone and was met by the sight of the whole class staring at them.

"What?" She questioned. The whole class sweat dropped and went back to their seats. While seating they realized Iida and Amai weren't here. Soon rapid footsteps were heard. A very disheaveled Amai stood at the door. She was panting. Soon after Iida ran in, his hair a mess and a flushed face. It seemed both had over slept. I wonder why Noe sat thought sarcastically. Walking to her seat, Amai looked at the new couple. She smiled and jumped up.

"Yes, you guys are finally dating," she exclaimed, almost in a relieving manner. Noe rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. Soon everyone settled down, and Aizawa came in. After explaining the amount of internships, he showed the scores. Noe and Amai had the most amount of internships. The class almost passed out of the number of pro heroes that wanted them. The only ones who seemed unfazed by this was Aizawa and the twins. Amai just smiled, while Noe just stared at the screen. Soon after, Aizawa started speaking about their hero names.

"Or you'll have hell to pay later" said a familiar voice. Whipping their heads to the door, Midnight came. The twins froze up, becoming pale. What is she doing here Amai thought. Great, just great Noe thought sarcastically.

"Hi mom," the twins said, Noe hiding behind her arm.

"MOM!?!?"shouted the whole class. The twins nodded,, the blush evident on their faces. Midnight gushed and ran to her daughters, who sat next to each other. Engulfing them in a hug, her breasts were right in the faces of the twins. Letting them go, she turned to Amai. Smushing Amai's cheeks , Midnight smiled. After she finished, she turned to Noami. She, too, received the same actions as Amai. Noe just was just motionless through out the whole thing. After she finished, Midnight wen up to the front of the class.

"Now, lets start," she announced while slashing her whip. The class began to scribble on their white boards. The only ones who weren't were the twins. Noe just stared at her board, while Amai raced her brain for a good name. Soon time was up, and the twins shared eye contact.

One by one, the class went up sharing their hero names. Next up was Bakugou. After being told that his name was too violent, he stomped back to his seat. But was stopped by Noe's hand. She told him to bend down to her level, ands so he did. "I have a good name for you," she whispered. Grabbing his board, she wrote quickly. She gave it back and smiled lazily. Bakugou looked down at his board and saw what she wrote. Ground Zero. He smirked. Looking at her, he gave her a haste kiss and walked back to his seat. Noe slouched down in her seat, smiling softly.

A few people after came Iida. Amai laughed as he t-posed in front of the class, knowing full well that he didn't know what that was. Guess you have to establish dominance she joked inside her head. a light chuckle escaping her lips. As she smiled, she saw as he introduced his hero name. Aww like his brother she thought. When he went back to seat, she grabbed his hand. Amai smiled and he smiled back.

After, almost of the class went, Amai followed. She took a deep breath and went up to the front of the class. Scanning all the familiar that stood in front of her, she looked down at her board. A flash of doubt came across her mind. Was this a good enough name, thoughts like at raced across her mind. But she looked up and saw the eyes of Iida. His eyes held this sense of security, making her certain this was what. Flipping her board, the class saw her hero name.

"The Crystal Hero; Crystal Queen," she announced confidently. Noe smiled t her hero name and gave her a small thumbs. Amai graciously returned the gesture and skipped back to her seat. After Amai sat down, Noe got up. As she stood in front of the class, she looked down at her name. Eh, good enough she thought. She really didn't put a lot of effort into her name. She flipped her board, revealing her hero name.

"The Black and White Hero; Jinx," she told. It really wasn't that great, but somehow she felt as I represented her greatly. Black cats represent bad luck, while white cats are mostly used for curses and hexes. So for which ever side she used, it was jinxing a person.

Finally the class ended, and the students flooded out to lunch. But the twins wouldn't go to lunch hall. Instead they would go to the teachers lounge.. Noe plopped on the couch which their Uncle Aizawa would take his naps on. Amai sat down near he table. They both had a stack of paper in front of them. it was the amount of internships that wanted them.

"Ugh, this is going to take to much effort," complained Noami.

"You know you could super speed through it," stated Amai.

Noe 'ooh'ed and activated her cheetah speed. As she speed through her choices, Amai stared at her. All you could see were blurs of black and white. Once done, Noe flopped the papers on the table. Noami let out a tired sigh. "Find any?" questioned Amai, while she leaned her head on her fist. Noe shook her head.

"No, there're to many good choices," Noe explained. Amai nodded her head, understanding. It seemed she was in the same predicament as her twin sister. It was true many companies wanted them, but it was difficult to chose. There even some internships from America. But as Amai went though the papers, a specific name caught her eye. Stealer Company it read. The more she read, the more she realized it was the internship they needed. Owned by Stealer, The Quirk Stealer. He can steal any type of quirk and us it as his own it read.

"Hey Noe."


"Did you get an internship for Stealer Company?"


"Read it," suggested Amai. Noe opened her papers and went to the 'S' section, her eyes landing on Stealer Company. As she read it, her eyes went wide. "It's in South Korea," Noe told, Amai only nodded. They made eye contact. A loud squeal escaped their throats. As they hugged each other, they jumped up and down.

"We found it!!!!," exclaimed Amai. Noam just nodded, her smile reaching her ears. So busy celebrating, they didn't notice the teachers come in. It was a strange sight to see, to say the least. Amai and Noami hugging, while they jumped up and down, with papers surrounding them. And to top it off Noe squealing like pigs being slaughtered, and Amai screaming at the top of her lungs 'We found it'.

The screaming was so loud that Bakugou and Iida could hear it. And as they realized it was their girlfriends, they ran to the source. But only to be met by the twins celebrating. Once they calmed down they noticed everybody at the door. Scanning everybody's worried faces, they questioned what as going on.

"What?" the twins said in unison. Everyone sweat dropped. Soon the crowd began to break up, only leaving a few teachers and the boys. Iida began to scold Amai for worrying him, meanwhile Bakugou was screaming at Noe for worrying him to. She was back a her lazy, normal self.

"Why were you shouting, anyway?" asked Iida. Amai smiled, and grabbed Noe into a side hug. Noe just stayed their lazily, to tired from celebrating to move. Their cheeks squished together, Amai announced what they were celebrating.

"We found the perfect internship," Amai announced excitedly. Noe just did lazy jazz hands. Iida smiled and congratulated them, while Bakugou rolled his eyes. But it was obvious he was secretly happy for Noe.

It was good day for them all. They found the perfect internship. And the perfect Hero Names.

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