Internships Pt.2

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The twins decided to take a nap for the rest of the trip. Well more like Noe decided and Amai just took one randomly. Nevertheless, they were sleeping when the plane landed in North Korea for their internships.

Thanking their pilot,they got off the plane and noticed a black car was parked next to them. The twins looked at each other.

"Either that's for the Stealer Internships, or we're getting kidnapped," Amai stated as she stared at the car.

"I'll take my chances," Noe stated before making her way to the car.

Shrugging, Amai followed her sister, knowing if they were going to get kidnapped, it would be the kidnappers mistake.

Tapping on the window, the twins waited patiently for the person inside to pull down the window. As they expected, the window was pulled down. Inside was a rather large man in a suit. He had a pair of black sunglasses resting on his face, which only made him even more intimidating. Though they knew they could easily defeat the man, they were still quite afraid of this man and his size.

"You guys the Katstume's for the Stealer Internship?" He asked, snapping the twins out of their head.
Nodding yes, the man hummed and reached into his drivers compartment. Pulling out two ID's, with pictures of the twins, along with their name, he handed it to them. Grabbing their individual ID, the man unlocked the car.

"Get in,"he commanded in his deep voice (which made the twins vibrate a bit).

Doing what they were told, they got in and locked the doors. The car purred to life and they left the runway. As they drove to the internship, they decided to learn more about the driver. It turned out his name was Akio, and his quirk was "super hug", which lets him hug up to 6 people at once and trying hard enough, he can crush them, which explained his bulky form. He was actually a very sweet man, just very big. Reaching a halt, the twins realized they were at Stealer Company. Waving goodbye to Akio, they ventured inside the giant building.

"Amia and Noami Katume, it's a pleasure to see you again," exclaimed a voice.

Looking up, they saw a man with silver hair and yellow eyes standing on the glass pole. He seemed tall from what the twins could see. The man took a bow and jumped off the pole, landing in front of the twins. The crowd applauded and the man took another bow. Confused as to what was happening, the twins went along with it. Once it died down, the man turned his attention to the twins.

"How was the ride here? I hope it was good," the man said way to enthusiasm.

"Yes it was, but with all due respect, sir, who are you," Amai asked.

"Oh my apologies for not introducing myself. I'm Stealer, your mentor for the next week," Stealer introduced.

Looking at each other with wide eyes, the twins bowed their heads in sync, which kinda freaked out Stealer.

"Thank you, it's an honor for choosing us for your internship,"the twins shouted in unison.

"Oh please, the honor is all mine. It's very clear that you both have very powerful quirks, and that's what I only gathered from your battles during the Sports Festival," he stated.

"Arigato, Stealer-sensei," Amai stated.

"Please, loose formalities, call me Eiichi," he told.

"Of course," Noe stated.

"Now that we have introductions out of the way, let me show you the tour," Eiichi stated.

Throughout the tour, Noe and Amai learned much. Like where the coffee machine was or who ran the infirmary. But they also got a better understanding of Stealer's quirk. It was similar to Monoma's quirk. But instead of having to touch the person, he would just have to look at them. And instead of having a five minute time frame, he could have the quirk for about two hours. But like Monoma's, he can only use one at a time. A great talent he has is that he can use the quirk perfectly, understanding the quirk better than the holder sometimes.

"And now we have reached the end of the tour, these are your rooms and these are your keys. Your suits are inside, change into them and meet me at the training center," he explained as he handed them their keys.

About 30 minutes later, they met Stealer at the training center. Yet as soon as they entered the training room, they both were hit with a light hit. Luckily they rolled out the way before it could hit them.

"What was that for,"Amai screamed from the side.

"If you want to be a hero, you always have to be alert, now fight," he commanded.

It seemed the fighting would go one forever, yet after three hours, Stealer declared it was enough of training. Thankfully during the training, he was able to understand the twins quirks better. He was even able to give them some pointers on how they could use their quirk in different ways.

~Time skip~

It had been a few days into the internship. The twins were having great fun with Stealer, along with harnessing their quirk even better. They were even going on patrols with him, which was less boring then fun, since he couldn't let them fight villains for legal reasons. Obviously while this happened, they were calling their boyfriends every night, along with texting them every other hour.

That's why Amai found it odd when Tenya didn't pick up his cellphone. She just brushed it off, thinking he had just left his phone in his room.

Yet minutes later they both got a message from Midoriya. It was his location. Realizing their broccoli boy was in trouble. So without second thought, they were transported to Hosu. Confused as to why they were near an alley, their questions were soon answered when they heard fighting. Running into the alley, they saw the Hero Killer, Stain, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida fighting. And it seemed the latter was losing. Badly.

Instinctively, the twins jumped into the fight, ready to defend their family. But blinded by worry they let their guard down, making an opening for Stain to cut their arm. It didn't bother them much at first, since they were running completely on adrenaline.

Falling back, the twins looked at each other and nodded, as if they read each other's mind. Grabbing each other's arms, Amai began to spin in circles, with Noe being spun by her. Skidding to a stop, Noe was thrown towards Stain. Kicking him in square in the jaw. As she back flipped, she could feel everything slow down, slowly seeing Stain's face twist in pain. Smirking, she fell back next to Amai. Yet before Amai could attack Stain, the twins froze.

"Amai!?" shouted Tenya.

"Hey, love. Mind telling what's going on?" she asked as if she weren't in a life threatening situation.

"He can freeze you by digesting your blood,"explained Midoryia.

"Well isn't that just dandy," Noe stated sarcastically.

~Time Skip (cuz's there's no way in hell I'm writing that entire fight scene. Sorry, not sorry)

Noe woke up to a blinding light. Looking around, she saw the group in hospital beds. Then she realized she was in a hospital bed as well.

"What happened?"she asked.

"Well we kinda beat up Stain, and he died, but not by us. Then we kinda got beat up and stabbed. And then we were attacked by a Nomu. Then we got beat up, but the pro heros came and saved us. The chief of police, which was a dog, came and said we broke some rules, but he won't do anything 'cuz it didn't go public. And then our boss interns came and chewed us out. And then Tenya decided to not get a surgery for his arm, which I admire, but also kinda find stupid. Then Shoto made a joke that he's the 'hand crusher'. Then we laughed,"Amai said in one breath.

"Oh so I missed a lot."

"Pretty much."

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