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Eyes the color of the ocean.

That's what first catches my attention when he looks at me. I don't know what takes over but my palms start to sweat. Not like when I'm nervous to give a speech or talk to Caesar, but a different kind of nervousness that makes my heart jump.

I didn't notice he was basically half-naked because I could only keep focused on his eyes but now that I'm looking, he's in really good shape and has a breathtaking body, the color of caramel. His hair's a little messy but that makes him look even better.

I've seen him on television before, as a mentor in previous games, but it doesn't do justice to what he looks like in real life.

It seems like I've been staring at him too long, but he finally decides to approach me. Do I look good? Will he like my dress? What am I thinking? Who cares if he does? I don't even care about this stupid dress and the make-up. I've been spending too much time with Effie...

He's a few steps away looking dazzling as always. His slow walk makes it even harder to concentrate. But I can't think of him as anything. Not even a potential friend because that would mean a risk for Peeta. I need to save him and make sure he lives. At all costs.

"Hello, Katniss." He says when he's finally a few inches from me.

I swallow hard before pronouncing my first words to him.

"Hello, Finnick."


Hellooooo fellow tributes and Katnnick/Fitniss/Overdeen/Everdair shippers :)

This fanfic will be about Katniss and Finnick obviously, and it is based on Catching Fire, a lot of things will be different cause it's my version of it, but some others will be like in the book/movie so there will be a bit of both the original and my version.

Now, I love Everlark and Galeniss and whatever Finnick and Annie's shipname is hehe but I just feel like Katniss and Finnick's frienemy relationship has so much potential to be a love story so, I really hope you like it and thank you for reading :D

I DO NOT own any of the characters or scenarios in this story, all rights go to the original writer of the series, Suzanne Collins.

Please share, vote and/or comment!!

Ally xx (My name is Ally, no pun intended with the story lol)

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