Part 2

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Hello, fellow chaps! The author speaking, I am thrilled to know people are already adding my book into their reading list! This is my first book as well! I hope you don't mind the random updates coming your way... Now, I won't make you wait any longer. Enjoy the story!


"Draco?!", Harry asked worriedly."I'm as surprised as you are, and WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!", Draco yells. Draco is looking at Harry's tail and wings protruding out his back. Draco is at the moment questioning his insanity. Harry sigh and tells him the story of how he got his inheritance early and blah blah blah, you get it. Draco is in astonishment of Harry's inheritance. Oh did I not tell you he went to Gringotts? Well, He didn't. Harry was going to go to Gringotts the next day (A Saturday) he asked if Draco wanted to come along, and of course, Draco said yes. Harry, on the other hand, was substantially terrified if Draco was gonna spill his secret! But Draco did something Harry did not expect... he kissed him! jk (Hahahahahhahaha I'm so evil!!!)He Just told him he will keep his secret. Harry was glad... But suspicious. Nevertheless, he was glad.

~Time Skip~ (At Gringotts)

Harry and Draco finally made their way to Gringotts. He finally got his turn to take the test. Harry put 7 drops of blood on the parchment paper, the odd thing was he didn't flinch, nor did his breathing change. it scared Draco a bit... When Griphook looked at the paper he was close to breaking his pen. The paper read...


Adoptive Name: Harry James Riddle

Birth Name: Hadrian Lestrange-Riddle

Adoptive Parents: James Potter, Lily Potter (Evans)

Birth Parents: Tom Marvalo Riddle, Bellatrix Lastrange

Inheritance: Dominant 80% Dragon All-Castor 3% Veela 7% Leshy 10% lycanthrope- Type:Lycan (lycanthrope=Werewolf) (I don't care if it's to op)

Mate-  Draconis Lucius Malfoy Black- submissive(Have met)


Percival (4)

Lestrange (13)

Riddle (195)

Potter (1,035)

Hogwarts (195)

Ravenclaw (5)

Hufflepuff (9)

Griffindor (13)

Slytherin (14)

Bank Withdrawals


Weasley's(FAMILY TOTAL)-19,093,345,134

Ginny Weasley-5,282,214,189

Ron Weasley-3,082,224,189

Molly Weasley-2,182,254,189

Bill Weasley-4,182,204,189

Arthur Weasley-2,182,224,189

Percy Weasley-1,182,214,189


Inheritance (30% breakthrough)

Parseltongue (52% breakthrough)

Dragontoungue (0% breakthrough)

Wandless Magic (0% breakthrough)

Wordless Magic (0% breakthrough)


Love Potion pointed to Ginny (100% breakthrough)

Hate potion pointed to Slytherin (10% breakthrough)

Trust Potion pointed to Dumbledor (14% breakthrough)

Trust Potion pointed to Ginny (78% breakthrough)

Trust Potion pointed to Hermione (19% breakthrough)

Trust Potion pointed to Ron (48% breakthrough)


Harry and Draco were astonished to see what was on the paper. Harry and Draco blushed at first but, then they were boiling with anger. Harry asked if he could get these potions and blocks removed. Griphook said yes and Harry went on the process of removing the blocks. Harry and Draco are raging with anger, what will happen next?


Hey, random peeps, I hope you enjoyed this part of the story! I might not upload tomorrow but, we'll see! See you all next time, Baii!

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