Part 19

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Times been ticking, hearts been running, you think cupids up to something, you ask me how i feel, I say nothing... Lately colors been so bright, they've been lighting up night-
If you guys can guess that song, I'll give you spoilers for the next chapter! PRIVATE MESSAGE IT TO MEH!

Hadrians pov
Its morming and Draco is snuggled up to my chest, I cant help put chuckle a the adorable sight in front of me. I kiss his forehead and hold him closer. Draco-being the adorable little puffball he is nuzzled up closer to my neck and purred. My heart instantly melted when he did that, I almost didn't have the heart to wake him up! Note; ALMOST, I ALMOST didnt uave the heart to wake him up. I lightly shook him, but he groaned and stirred a bit. So,me being the best boyfriend in the world, kissed his neck trying to find his sweet spot. Without realizing it i was full on "im gonna fuck you hard" mode. I was beginning to get rough with Draco. When Draco woke up, he was met with hickies and kisses on his neck, when he turned around he saw me giving him those said "hickies and kisses". I finally found his sweet spot he let out a gasp and a soft moan.
"H-hadrian... A-ahhh, w-hat are you d-doing?"
"Oh, baby, I was trying to wake you up, but i got a bit too hungry for you..."
"What d-ahh"
"I want to fuck you hard baby, thats what I mean..."
"But, Had-ahhh"
"Its Master or Daddy- got it!" I said growling into his neck.
Draco let out a small whimper as an agreement.

-No smut today, sorry peeps, maybe next time?-

When Draco woke up he saw Hadrian holding him protectively.
"H-hadrian... wake up, its the afternoon and we havent eaten anything..."
"Draco, c'mon, let me sleep some more?"
"Nu, we need to eat food, ok? I love you in all, but we have to eat!"
"Fine, lets go...."
They got up and got ready, they head down to lunch and they where greeted with a worried Pansy.
"You guys made me worried sick, where were you two!?" Pansey practicaly yelled
"Uhhhhhh, sleeping?" Draco said.
"Fucking, we were fucking" Hadrian said proudly.
"Why?? You left me here all alone..."
"Because the god damn auther made us..." Hadrian said stupidly.
"Hey! Why did you write stupidly!?"
"Cause I fucking could!" I said not missing a beat.
"Hadrian! Are you breaking the fourth wall again?!"
"Wait - again!?"
"Hadrian, you are grounded!"
"Fine, see if I care!"
"Hmmm, that means, you cant see Draco for a week! And the readers cant read this story!"
"Hah! Thats what I thought!"
Anyways, since you saw that, you guys cant read a new chapter wor a week, but, if Hadrian acts good, there will be a new chapter out soon! If he still acts bad, well expect me hot to upload, anyways.. Have a gay day guys, gals, non-bianary pals!

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