Untitled Story Part

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Raveanna p.o.v

Dirt. The sweet muscky scent mixed with the smell of pine trees. Home. That's what my home smelt like. The muscky scent with the pine ran all through out the two story house. Just taking one breath made everyone and I mean everyone feel safe.

"Raveanna if you keep taking in deep breaths like that you might breath in some bugs" a teasing low voice caught my ear. Turning I sent a glare at the boy who was standing beside me. His jet black hair hung in his sapphire blue eyes while he gave me a cheery smile. The sounds of the fangirls could be heard as he dashed out a smile.

"Careful boy you might give the girls heart attacks. Don't want Astro to get jealous" I said back rolling my eyes as the fangirls crept closer. You think once he got a girlfriend they back off, but they completely ignored that fact. He placed his hand on his chest and faked a sad frown.

"To think I'll betray Astro like that is unforgivable. I can't becauses she'll ground me for life" he said letting fake tears emerged.

"Okay Okay stop with the emotions. Maybe you deserve to be ground. Your an endangerment to the female kind" I scolded.

"Tsk tsk Raveanna have you no faithn in me?" he asked.

"NOPE!" I exclaimed with a smirk.

"Come on Raveanna I've been good to Astro. If not I have to deal with you and her. You two together planning revenge will be the death of me!" he whined.

"Rikko you dummy of course you'll die. I told you before that if you make Astro cry I'll make you cry ten times worse" I said strolling away. He followed after me complaining about how I was unfair.

"Oh shut up Rikko your giving me a head ache. Anyways where is Astro?" I asked.

He began to scratch the back of his neck and turned his view away from me. Irritation grew quickly in my veins at his movements. "Well?" I asked again.

"I don't know" he replied.

"What do you mean.....". "HERE I AM" a new voice yelled. Someone tackled me to the ground. I landed with a thud before letting a growl out.

"What the hell Astro. Trying to kill me with a heart attack?" I asked pushing her off.

"No I have a different plan for your death" she replied picking herself up.

"What is it?" I asked curious to what her imagtive mind could come up with.

She gave me evil smirk before pushing her mid-back length blonde hair off her shoulder. Her midnight blue eyes sparkled with pure evil. "Oh! You know strap you down and force you to listen to Justin Beibor until your ears bleed. You'll be begginh for a knife to kill yourself" she snickered.

"NO NO NO NO THATS EVIL!" I screamed. Rikko and Astro turned towards each other before busting out laughing at my reaction. Sending powerful death glares towards them imagining that there bodies have fallen down dead.

Rikko slung an arm around my shoulder before Astro began pinching my cheeks. "Calm down hot stuff. No need to explode like a volcano" Astro said pulling on my cheeks. I began whinning before trying to pry her off. Rikko held my shoulders down while Astro continue her tourture on my cheeks.

"Ugh guys let go" I said hissing. Astro snaked her arm down my side. I was a a little worried to what she was doing. I felt her put her hands in my pocket. My body tensed up against there's as I felt her grabbed something. My mind finally caught on to what she was after. "ASTRO! YOU BETTER NOT TAKE MY PHONE" I growled out. She chuckled softly by my ear before gripping her prize and running off laughing. I tried to race after her, but Rikko kept a death grip on me.

"Rikko let go" I growled as I pulled harder. Fucking males and there strength! He even more stronger since he already shifted. An ideal popped in my head as I turned and gave him a evil smirk.

"Oh Rikko, mind letting me go?" I asked sweetly. He looked dumbfolded that I was acting nice to him. I felt his grip loosen and that's all it took before I over threw his weight. Hooking his arm I tossed him over my shoulder before sprinting away to catch Astro who was no longer in sight.

Closing my eyes I could smell her trail. Taking off I headed into the woods and chased her. Jumping over logs and fallen trees I managed to get closer. I was naturally faster then the other females and even most males. I could hear and smell Rikko not to far behind us.

Astro blonde hair could be seen shining threw the woods as her laughter rang throughout the silent forest echoing everywhere making it highly creepy. "Keep running Astro she right behind you!" Rikko voice rang.

Astro p.o.v

I was running in glee. The wind whipped my hair around as I dodge the logs and branches hanging down from the trees. I could hear Raveanna not far behind me. I knew she would catch up with me soon, since she was the fastest person I knew.

"Keep running Astro she's right behind you!" I heard Rikko yell. Shit! She catching up to soon. Begging my limbs to keep going I pushed forward. My mind didn't reel in the fact that I was close to danger. A body collided with me knocking me over. I could feel Raveanna wrestling with my grip on her phone.

"Let go Astro" she hissed. Wiggling my arm I managed to get Raveanna unbalanced enough for me to turn knocking her off. Scrambling up I turned and smacked into Rikko. Deciding it wasn't worth dying young for. Shoving the phone in his hands I gave him a quick kids before running off. I didn't get that far before a group of wolves stepped out. My body froze once I saw them. They weren't our wolves since there scents were way off.

Raveanna p.o.v

Astro gave Rikko the phone making me give him a harden glare. "Wait Raveanna let's talk about this. We all know Astro took the phone. You should kill her not me" he replied stepping backwards. Honestly he would let me kill Astro so he can live.

"Coward. Just take it like a man" I replied tackling him. I managed to pin him down, but something was wrong. A strong scent of fear wavered to me. Looking up I saw Astro frozen in front of a group of wolves. Yanking the phone from Rikko grasp I stood up and raised a eyebrow at him.

"Your girlfriend is in trouble" I commented. His eyes narrowed as he jumped up. He walked towards Astro as I followed. Wrapping a protective arm around her she seemed to unfreeze. Stepping closer to them the bigger of the wolves began to shift. Astro squeaked when a man stood stark naked in front of us. Rikko hid Astro face in hischest while he left me to die. Another wolf the same size of him stepped up and shifted as well. You could actually feel steam rising off my face.

"Are you apart..." The first shifter began to talk, but a arm touched my shoulder. Looking up I was surprised to see my father standing there. He had a few wolves with him, but they appeared out of no where.

"Raveanna go home. Rikko accompany her and Astro" his stern voice said.

"But papa" I began but the glare he sent me made me shut up. Rikko grabbed my arm pulling me away from where my papa confronted the wolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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