Chapter 2

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*Next day at school*

"Class! This is Park Jimin and he's newly joined here. He's your classmate from now on so treat him nice!" Said the Class teacher.

"Jimin you can go and sit wherever you want" said the teacher.

Jimin made is way to Hana and sat next to her.

"Hi Jimin" said Hana,quite surprised by herself.

She's never started a conversation before.

But for some reason she didn't feel strange starting a conversation with Jimin.

He just smiled in response.

That's when one of the classmates called Jimin and said," Hey you don't have to sit with that loser, you can sit with me" she said with a sweet fake smile.

Hana felt really bad and she hung her head down.

'Of course I am a loser. I am an introvert who doesn't start talking to people so easily and I don't score well either. I don't have friends and I avoid socialising. It's not that I don't like it, I've just never tried it before. And why should I?' thought Hana.

She looked at Jimin to respond.

She found Jimin's face turn cold as he said," I'll find who's the loser soon enough and no thanks, I'm pretty comfortable with Hana" said Jimin

He soon turned his back to that girl before she could say something.

Hana heard her scoff.

"Who's that idiot?" Asked Jimin angrily.

" She's hyegin... This class's bully.." whispered Hana.

"How and why do you keep quiet when she talks about you like this?" He asked.

Hana just gave him a sad smile which clearly showed she couldn't do anything.

He just nodded in acknowledgement and they turned his attention to the class.

It was soon lunch break and Hana joined Jimin for lunch.

They both laughed as they made their way to the canteen.

They ate their burgers in silence and Jimin suddenly said, " Hey Hana... I wanna tell you something" a bit nervously.

Hana was surprised by his sudden saying.

"Ya Jimin what's it?"

"I... I was actually out the whole time yesterday before lunch break... I heard the girls tease you over your bad score...-"

Hana just looked down in embarrassment.

"- I know we aren't really close or anything.... But.... I want to tell you that.... Stop crying over bad scores... If not this test I-I'm sure you'll do well the next time... So don't cry or feel bad over this okay?"

He said as he patted her shoulder gently.

Hana looked at him in surprise.

There was sincerity and care in his eyes.

Hana felt her eyes welling up.

"Okay Jimin.. sure"

she said as she hugged him without hesitation.

This was a sudden display of affection and Hana had never behaved like this to someone like Jimin before.

But Jimin felt different to her.

Her instincts said that

Maybe Jimin had the power to change her life completely.

A/N: Hey guys! I've started this new fanfic because of my bestfriend who encouraged me to not give up in writing FFs. Her words gave me a new hope and I started this FF! Hope you guys really like this FF!

Jimin did change her life! So what do you guys think?
Leave them down in the comments!
So until then,
it's Sam,
signing off from
He's the one!

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