Chapter 38

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"You didn't have to post that you know, now a lot of fans are wondering if Hanmin's real and moreover have started shipping Hanmin" Soo-ah commented as I scrolled through the articles which were hitting my inbox continuously from several E-News websites I had subscribed to.

Surprisingly, if I look at the positive aspects, I got several more offers.

But on the other, it was the pressure about Hanmin.

Before this, it would either be me or Arie who would wonder when me and Jimin would start dating. But now, it's as if the whole world is wondering that.

And I really don't want it to spoil the friendship I had with mochi. I would rather die single than losing his friendship.

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to. If Jimin didn't like it, he would've told me" I told as she sighed.

"It's not about that Hana, their world tour just got over and the boys need a break. This might not be exactly what should've happened right now don't you think?" she persisted.

I sighed, rethinking my choices, questioning if they were right.

I stayed quiet until she said, "Anyways, I'm not the one to interfere, but I'm genuinely concerned about you. And Jimin.

I don't know a lot about Jimin as you've only mentioned him once or twice before and I don't listen to their music. You both are not highschoolers anymore but young celebrities or if I should put it more clearer, influencers.

You guys influence people all over Korea Hana, you guys have your own part in the society which people care a lot about. Think about it or just make the rumours true" Soo-ah completed before sighing in frustration and abruptly leaving the room.

My fingers slowly massaged the bridge of my brows as what Soo-ah told a few minutes back kept running in my head.

You're not highschoolers anymore but young celebrities.

You guys influence people all over Korea Hana, you guys have your own part in the society.

"Can't I do something that I wish to? Why should I be controlled by the society!?" I screamed in annoyance as I threw the water bottle in anger, as it hit the wall and the water splashed all over.

"Argh I hate my life!" I shouted as I kicked the water bottle, which hit the wall again as a result of my action.

"What's wrong?" Barged in a frantically panting Soo-ah.

She shot me daggers as her eyes travelled between the water all over the room and me.

Realisation struck me as I kept my head down in shame.

She sighed before saying, "Why don't you go out and get some air? It must be pressurizing to live in spotlight" she said as my eyes slowly met hers.

"Hana, I understand how hard it must be, 'cause you fail to live like any other 24 year old because of your career"she began as I nodded slowly.

"I would suggest you to take a break today. I know a day is not enough but in the tight schedule you have, this is all you can spare. I'll cancel your plans for today and take Jae-ho-ssi and go on a long drive. I'll not be home when you come so you'll have some 'me time'. What do you say?" she completed and I looked at her in surprise.

"Ask Jae-ho-ssi to take off today. I know to drive and I'll manage it on my own" I improvised.

"Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

"I am. Please Soo-ah" I pleaded and she nodded.

"Have fun Hana-ssi, get ready and lemme know when you leave. That's when I'll leave to my place and why don't you go to the living room? I'll clean this mess" She said pointing the floor.

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