Chapter 12

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It has been 3 weeks since our meeting with Taehyung and Areum.

Jimin's been happy lately and the satisfaction of meeting his friends make him so much more happy.

I'm happy for him.

Seeing the happiness in the face of the person who made me happy is the best thing which has happened to me lately.

It's sometimes a human tendency to 'Love and Care for a person more than yourself and their happiness becomes yours' which tends to amuse me all the time.

Before Jimin was in my life,I cringed at the very thought of it, while nowadays, I was being like it.

His Happiness is mine, 'cause he is the very cause of it.

After having that guy in my life,I've been living my best days, so it's not a big wonder for me to think like that.

It's been 4 months having him as my friend and life's Just great.

Maybe I'm being to cheesy, but

He's my ray of Sunshine.

I chuckled to myself at the very thought of this statement and glanced over at Jimin,

who was sitting beside me listening to whatever the teacher was saying.

I smiled to myself and paid attention to what the teacher was saying.

You only have more than a year for your finals Hana, think of it. You've to get into Good Universities to go to Seoul.

I suddenly got serious and took notes.

I turned really serious within seconds and I started taking my notes.

Jimin turned to me with widened eyes, who was clearly stunned at my duality.

He eyed me top to bottom, eyes widened and then he shook his head.

He turned back to the teacher, still confused.

I chuckled as I was taking my notes.

Aish, this boy.

The bell rang and the class was dispersed.

The students started walking out.

I was stuffing my books into my bag that I didn't realise it was just me and Jimin left.

He moved out of his seat and stood in front of me, hands crossed.

I looked at him, with innocent eyes.

He rolled his eyes. "Yah, what was that during class? Dreaming half of the time then you smile at me and one glance at the teacher, acting like you're all nerdy and studious! I was just astonished for a second before I could get back to my work! What's this Hana!?!" He yelled.

I chuckled. I grinned at him, staring into his annoyed eyes.

I shrugged as I stood up.

"It's just that, I suddenly got the thought of the finals which are coming up. That's why" I said as I started walking away my seat,taking my bag.

He came along with me, taking his bag.

He raised his brow,confused.

"You mean the year end one?" He asked.

I shook my head.

" I mean the one we would be writing next year. The Final Exams of High School" I said as we walked out of the classroom.

He gaped.

"Why are you worrying about something which is a year or two ahead? You've still got time, you know that right" he said as I nodded.

"I know but we've got entrance exams for various Universities as well after that and we need to get into good results to get into Universities at Seoul, so-"

"You wanna move to Seoul for uni?" He asked.

I scoffed.

"Out of all I was talking so long , only that caught your attention uh? Ya, I would love to get into the best universities at Seoul. So ya" I said as he rubbed his nape.

"Well, I've wanted to go to Seoul so that's why" he said as he let out an awkward chuckle.

I nodded as we made our way out of the building.

It was a busy day and it was finally over.

"So, Jimin?" I called out to him.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"So, what are your future plans?" I asked him and the boy who was walking just stopped.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head and started walking along.

"No it's just that.. I've never really thought of it, the only thing I'm dedicated towards is dance.. And I occasionally sing, that's it. I'm too focused on dance and that's why I joined our Dance Club, remember?"

I nodded.

"So looking how dedicated you are towards your 'studying and getting into good universities' and stuff make me anxious. That's why I often chose not to answer those questions.." he said.

We slowly walked and on our way home, I found an Icecream parlour.

"C'mon Jimin! Let's get some icecreams!" I said and pulled him in before he could object.

I went to order as Jimin sat in our table texting our moms we would be late.

I ordered us 2 Belgium Chocolate icecream cones and took them to our table.

"Here" I handed it to him and sat next to him.

"Thank you!" He whispered.

"Hey Jimin?"


"Why don't you pursue dance?" I asked and his eyes widened. Before he could object I said,

"I am serious Jiminie"

"I'm not worth enough to pursue dance Hana, I dance but I'm not good enough" he said as he stared at the ground. I nudged his arm. "Look Jimin-ah, give yourself some credit. Not everyone's perfect, I'm just asking you to try" I said.

"You think so? Can I really make it? What would my parents say? I'm so-"

before he could say it I closed his mouth with my hand.

"Look Jimin, if you wanna do something you like, you can always give it a shot. And You know what Jimin, sometimes you just need to let your heart decide." I said and took my hand off.

He nodded slightly and started eating his icecream.

We ate our icecreams in silence and made our way back home.

When we reached my house we bid goodbye.

Before I could turn, he held my wrist.

"What?" I asked.

"Hana, thanks for those encouraging words. I- I'll definitely think about it" he said and smiled wide.

I grinned and nodded.

We made our ways to our homes.

Park Jimin, a dancer.


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading!

Do vote and leave a comment if you like this chapter!

We're soon getting into the future and more events which would lead to the future where both Hana and Jimin are Stars. So stay tuned for more and I promise you've got interesting chapters coming ahead!

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