Chapter 25

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"So you're telling me you did nothing other than going back to your normal loner life and concentrating fully on studies?" He asked aghast.

"Well, you don't need to make it sound like that, I would meet up with Areum once in a while" I explained.

He scrunched his nose in annoyance as he scoffed.

I blinked blankly.

"What? Why are you giving such horrid reactions?" I asked.

"First I'm not horrid Henry and secondly, you're so boring!" He exclaimed.

We left the cafe a few minutes back and we were walking down the street. I didn't know where we were going, but I felt like this is what we needed.

Long walks, endless talks.

It was perfect.

I gasped dramatically, one hand clutching my chest.

"Yeah, that hurt! Get off! Why are you even my friend!" I yelled as I pushed him off hard.

He stumbled a few feet away from me.

He laughed as he came where I was and stuck his tongue out.

He hit his shoulder against mine and I stumbled forward.

I pouted in anger as I looked at him smiling mischievously.

He came near me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder before starting to walk.

"Come on, let's go somewhere, it's only 7," he said as he dragged me along.

I laughed as we walked to a park nearby.

I saw his face, he had his eyes on the road while he wore a contented smile. I smiled softly at the sight of it.

"What am I going to do without you?"


"This reminds me of our time in Busan," he said and I nodded.

We would go to some or the other park in Busan all the time. We both loved the environment and the feels the parks give us.

Maybe more than that I enjoyed going to the park with my favourite Park.

I looked around at the kids who were sitting on the swings, playing happily.

I smiled as I took my phone and took a snap of the pleasant environment.

I suddenly got a random question to ask the guy beside me which I should've asked a long time back.

"Hey, I completely forgot to ask you! What's your band's name?" I asked and he burst out laughing.

"You've asked this question very much earlier Hana-ssi, I'm amazed by your thinking skills," he said sarcastically.

I bent down trying to hide my embarrassed face.

How did I forget the main question? You're dumb indeed Hana I scolded myself.

He let out a chuckle before answering me.

"It's Bangtan Sonyeondan aka BTS" he revealed.

I slowly nodded, not uttering a word, trying to avoid any further embarrassment.

"So Hana-ssi, can you-"

"Can we please change the topic? I've had enough embarrassment for a day" I cut him off.

He raised his hands and mouthed ' I surrender' before smirking.

I raised my eyebrows before turning back to watching the kids play.

He nudged me with his elbow.

"What?" I mouthed.

" Since you seem very annoyed, let's do something which you like" he decided.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"Let's get some food," he said and I shoved him playfully before chuckling.

"You've taken a great decision, c'mon let's get some street food," I said.

"But you wanted a 'great restaurant' didn't you?" He mocked doing the quotes with his fingers.

"My mood keeps changing," I said as I stood from the bench we were sitting and pulled Jimin who was unaware to his feet.

I dragged him out of the park before letting him walk on his own.

"Why aren't you dragging me now?" He asked.

"Shut up Park and do you know any street food places or not?" I commanded.

He sighed before nodding.

"C'mon Han," he said as he gave me his hand. I gladly took it before walking along with him.


"I had fun today thanks to you," I told him.

He took me to a place where they served the best kimchi fried rice I've had in my life. He remembered that I loved kimchi fried rice.

Sometimes it feels like he would be a great boyfriend but he does all this having in mind that I'm his friend, not his girlfriend.

So I try to think of him as my friend as much as possible.

But, my feelings seem to get stronger and stronger every second.

This is what I feared and this is why I denied when Areum asked me to meet him today.

But I felt like if this was what was supposed to happen, no one could change it. If fate is that I would fall for him, I can't change it.

It's Destiny, after all, no one can change it.

"I did too, thanks for coming earlier for me Hana" he hugged me as we reached our apartment. I hugged him back.

"I really enjoyed our endless conversations Jimin-ah" I whispered in his ear.

I could feel him chuckle.

"Okay I'll make a move," he said.

I shook my head.

"Come in, have a talk with Arie and I'll show you around the house and then leave. We've got half an hour's time" I said glancing at my watch.

He nodded and I pulled him into the apartment.

Within seconds we stood in front of my house, waiting for Arie to open the door for us.

"You're early," she said in surprise and I shrugged as we made our way in.

We sat on the couch and we three were having a good talk.

"Hana and Arie I think I'll leave it's 10 already, I've got practice," he said. I nodded and Arie gave him a hug.

I waved him goodbye as he signalled me saying he would text me later.

I grinned as I nodded.

I stood at the door watching him leave.

I sighed as I came in and saw Arie smirk.

"Had fun?" She asked.

I shrugged, smiling.

"A lot"

"See I'm right" she prided.

"I don't know what I'll do without you Arie"

A/N: Hey! I'm here soon enough with update 'cause I seemed really hyped up!

Congrats bangtan-planet on her win in the Love maze awards! I'm so happy for you ❤❤

Do vote and comment! It really helps my fiction!

Until next time,
It's Sam
Signing off from,
He's the one!

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