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Assumptions. Aren't they just annoying?

Why can't a girl and a guy just be friends?

Why does it have to be seen as they're "Flirting." or "Being cutsie." when they're just hanging out and having fun?

Assumptions like that, especially if they don't know what goes on with said guy and girl, and it's completely PLATONIC  It's very annoying. 

WE ARE JUST FRIENDS needs to be on a shirt, so people will finally get it.

Idk, is that just me?

What about the assumptions about you that according to another person, you did, but you know you didn't?

Those are some of the worst. True most of the assumptions can be solved with simple communication, but when it's not it's blown all out of proportion.

That's another thing, why don't the accusers listen to the accused?

Like... You asked me if I had taken your chicken. No Barbra, Alex took it and shared with his girlfriend, I had the Parmesan pizza with pineapples! Which you would know if you stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Take a chill pill!

Anyhow, that's that thing, how are y'all?

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