Chapter Twenty-Two

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Updating twice because this one is also, technically, for Christmas!

Penelope Bunce was absolutely, positively frazzled. She was stressed and anxious and annoyed at all of the nurses that wouldn't let her in to see Simon. Since she was the closest thing to his family, as she explained, she would be allowed to go in as soon as they gave the go ahead, but for now it was all a waiting game. Nurses came in and gave her stupid, meaningless updates about what was happening, but they never said anything that Penny could cling to. That she could hope for. They talked about how he was in surgery and what was wrong with him, but they never said what was right with him. They never said that he was doing better or that he was fine or that he would, at some point, wake up and be okay. 

So, Penelope Bunce was fucking frazzled.

Baz came in later on Christmas day with a bouquet of red carnations and a sad, nervous smile on his face. Penny jumped up to hug him and bombard him with questions.

"Slow down, Bunce," he chuckled after pulling away from their hug.

Penny wanted to ask him why he brought red carnations, too. She was eyeing them suspiciously while he spoke, which he must have picked up on because he smiled and held them out to her to show her. 

"They mean love, pride, and admiration," he said, letting her get a good look at them. "I would have gone with roses but––"

"I'm not letting you give those to him," she said, folding her arms across her chest. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Why not, Bunce? My father has given us his blessing and––"

"You prick!" she yelped, slapping him across the arm in alarm. "You talked to him? About Simon?"

"Indeed," Baz said, that stupid smile never leaving his face. "He was...supportive. I think he'll need his time to really process it, but it's a good reassurance that he cares and loves me." He took a breath. "Is he still asleep?"

Just as Penny was about to answer him, to say that there had been absolutely no change in Simon's condition and that, quite honestly, she didn't understand half of the things that the nurses told her about it, a nurse with a clipboard walked into the waiting room, scanning the room for someone. 

"Bunce? Penelope Bunce?"

Penny waved her hands frantically, saying, "Here, here!"

The nurse smiled at her and came over. "Simon is awake," she said. "I can show you to his room, if you'd like."

She noticed Baz standing there with his flowers. He looked...he looked hopeful.

"I'm afraid only one guest will be permitted at this time."

As excited as Penny was to go and see Simon and hug him and tell him how much she loved him, she knew that Baz needed it more than she did. The simple reassurance that Simon was alive and awake and okay was all she needed to put her mind at ease and, in all honesty, seeing him in his broken state in a hospital bed might've hurt her because she would have thought about that night that she had to call 999 for him. And, if she thought about that night and made a show of it, it wouldn't be good for either of them. 

She looked to Baz who looked rejected and heart broken, his eyes cast down and his bouquet slumped against his leg in defeat. 

"He can go," she said, putting her hand on Baz's shoulder, shooting him a big grin. 

He raised and eyebrow and started to protest.

"He's his boyfriend. I'll visit him after, if that's allowed." 

The nurse nodded. "Okay, follow me then, sir." 

Penny watched as they walked behind the double doors with a smile on her face.

Simon was well and Baz was about to tell him the good news and Penny could finally breathe again. 

It felt like the best, most miraculous Christmas. 


When Baz neared Simon's room, his heart thumped and his throat got tight. He had never been this nervous and excited and scared all at once and the feeling was terrifying. The only thing that kept him breathing steadily was knowing that Simon, an alive, awake Simon, was right beyond the door. The nurse ushered him in and left him alone standing in the doorway with his bouquet of red carnations. He hoped that Simon would see them and understand what he meant with them––that Simon was always, and would always continue to be, his whole world. 

"Baz," Simon grinned from his bed. 

His head was wrapped and his legs were elevated on a mountain of pillows. The blood was gone and replaced with the smell of bleach and disinfectant. Baz smiled at the sight of him and felt himself relax because, against all odds, they were both alive and together and, Baz hoped, still totally and disgustingly in love. 

"Simon," Baz said, moving towards him. It felt like a relief to be able to call him that again.

The only reason he hadn't been at there the minute he left his house was because he had to get flowers and he had to make sure that he and Agatha were over. She was understanding (and a little bit hurt) and accepted the breakup with a certain grace that Baz really appreciated. 

"Are those for me?" Simon asked, gesturing to the flowers. 

Baz nodded and held them out to him, sitting down in the chair beside his bed. "Yes. They're red carnations, if you couldn't tell. I thought you might, I don't know, appreciate it. If you're still into flowers and such." 

Simon studied them for a moment, taking a petal between his fingers and examining it. "I––does this mean...did you...?"

"Yes," Baz said, taking his hand. "I told my father."

Simon looked at him in shock. "You did? How did...was it okay?"

"Yes and yes. He was surprisingly supportive."

Simon smiled at him again and gave his hand a squeeze. "So..."

"So," Baz agreed with a laugh. "First of all, before I say or do anything else, I want you to know how sorry I am for what happened. I should have been paying more attention to the road and I should have slowed down––"

Simon squeezed his hand again and shook his head. "No. Don''s okay, Baz. I'm fine. You're fine. That's all that matters. It wasn't your fault." 

"I know. But seeing you...having to haul you out from under the deer––"

"Don't think about it."

"I can't just not think about it!" He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. "You almost died, okay? In my fucking arms. There's not going to be a day where I don't think about it. But there's also not going to be a day where I don't think about you in general, so. I don't know if the accident has changed anything for you, but it hasn't for me. If anything, it's just cemented the fact that I need you in my life. And I want to do right by you, Simon, so I told my father and I broke up with Agatha. So, if you want me, you have me. Completely." 

Simon smiled at him again and yanked his arm, sending Baz forward and basically crashing into him. "I love you, you fucking idiot," Simon said. 

Then, which was by far the greatest Christmas miracle, Simon Snow kissed him. 

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