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trigger warning

[AN soooooooooo  1. i might be rewriting a lot of the book I'm not going to really change anything I'm just going to fix the grammar and some other stuff  2. sorry for not updating in a while...... not like ppl read this butttttttttt yeah

-author voo]

It had been a few months since Jin had passed. namjoon and jungkook were still having a very hard time.

Jungkook had fallen back into his old ways, he had stopped eating and he had been self-harming again.

Yoongi could tell something was off but he didn't know how to approach the situation that had been unraveling. He knew jungkook wasn't ok but that was obvious since one of the people who basically raised him just had died.

Jungkook had distanced himself from everything and everyone.

He was currently sitting in the bathtub, cold water had risen past his hips, he sat there in the dark, cold and vulnerable. bruises covered his skin along with semi-fresh cuts which had slightly scabbed over.

He didn't think he would have to go through this pain again for a long time.

All the pain of losing jin along with the memories of his mother had taken over his body. he had taken the blade that had been sitting on the edge of the bathtub and held it, he didn't do anything other than stare at it. He had the sharp object pressed against his delicate skin.

he did not move, he just sat there letting hot tears roll down his face. He attempted a deep breath inhaling slowly and exhales shakily.

After a short while, he had put the blade down and grabbed a towel wrapping it around his thin physique soon sitting on the floor leaning against the bathtub. He called for his lover in a soft and fragile tone. Yoongi had made his way up to the bathroom quickly.

He knocked quietly before slowing turning the knob opening the door.

Within seconds yoongi was right next to jungkook pulling him into a hug whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

They made their way down to the couch soon getting comfy and restarting one tree hill. this is what they did for the remainder of the night resulting in the two lovers soon falling asleep in each other's arms.

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