Chapter Nineteen

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Jasmine's POV

Ugh! Nothing fits me any more I hate being this fat, today is my baby shower I am standing in my room trying to get ready but nothing fits anymore and I feel frustrated. I walk over to the bed sitting down. I rest my hand on my stomach taking a breath I can't believe that I let Stephanie talk me into having a shower.

Ever since Alejandro got shot, he has been showing me just how much he loves me and that he didn't mean to hurt me. I will admit that he is very persistent when he wants something and he is serious about us and he has showed me that.

I know that I love him and he is the one for me and I am tired of fighting, today I am seeing my family for the first time since everything happened I had been keeping my distance just trying to sort through my feelings but the more I think about it the more I want my life to go back to normal.

It happened I got married to Alejandro I fell in love with him and he has forever changed my life and I love him for that. So, now it's time I give my family a second chance I needed really let them explain why they did it it's just time.

"Hey beautiful" Alejandro walks into the room holding some bags. "Why aren't you dress we leave in a few minutes"

"Nothing fits" I pout playing with my finger.

Alejandro walks over to me sitting down he hands me one of the bags I look inside to see a white fabric I reach in taking it out to see a dress. It's white with a low cut in the front and a flare bottom it looks beautiful but I doubt it will fit.

"Try it on" He tells me.

I smile standing up I remove my robe walking over to the mirror in the room I hardly recognize my body these days. My breasts have gotten bigger my stomach has grown a lot too this little one is grown fast for four months my stomach is twice the size of most women I have seen.

I manage to slip into the dress and it fits perfectly Alejandro walks up to me doing me up before wrapping his arms around me resting them on my stomach and we both relax.

"I love you so much" he whispers against my neck.

I turn wrapping my arms around his neck I look into his eyes and I see nothing but truth and I know I can trust him. I lean down placing a light kiss on his lips and it was exactly what we both needed.

"You made it" Stephanie yells when we enter the house.

She is hosting my baby shower at her new place that she just got I walk in and I hear music and chatter. I look around and I see balloons and streamers everything looks beautiful Stephanie leads me out back to her patio that was decorated with food and more balloons and streamers.

I look around taking it all in and it's amazing what she has done.

"Jasmine!" Dahlia and Rena yell running to me.

I hug them both I have missed them so much we talk on the phone but I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them. We all sit and catch up them filling me in on school and what their next move is everything is perfect.

A few hours go by before my family showed up, I look over at my mom and she looks a little different from what I'm used to. I know that all of this is hard on her it's hard on me too my mom was my rock I went to her for everything and now I just want that back.

I walk over to her she is holding a box in her hand and a small smile on her face she hands me the gift I take it putting it down before pulling her to me hugging her tightly and she does the same thing.

I feel everything fade as she hugs me and I can't fight back my tears we both pull back with tears and I smile.

"I love you mom" I wipe her eyes and she do the same.

"Oh, my baby" he hugs me again.

"Jas" my dad's voice broke us up.

I look up at him he is standing with open arms I walk over to him hugging him too and everything just falls to ease. This is just what I wanted my family and friends nothing else and I am happy.

The shower gets on the way I sit and watch as they all play games and make jokes it was perfect this is just what I needed.

"Did you have fun today?" Alejandro asks as we head home.

I nod snuggling in his hold I am really beat today was perfect everything in my life is back to normal and I hope it stays that way.


"Wow, we have a full viewing room today" my doctor says.

I smile looking at her today is my ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby I asked my mom to come with me and my dad tagged along so did Alejandro's parents. I never imagined that we would all be here for this but I am happy that we are I know that normally people get the sex before their baby shower but I was so busy.

My doctor queues up the machine and we all held our breaths waiting to hear the heartbeat I know that I have heard it a million times but each time brings tears to my eyes. We all sit and wait and then we heard it the small thud and my heart races.

"There he is" my doctor points at the screen and we all look.

"A boy?" Alejandro asks and I can hear the pride in his voice.

"Oh wait" my doctor moves the wand around and another heart beat was heard. "Looks like this little guy was shy"

"Twins?" I ask barely holding on.

She gives me a nod and we all gasp I look up at Alejandro and he has a big smile on his face this is not what I was expecting but I am very happy. After my doctor went over the usual run down, we all headed to lunch.

"Do you have any idea how amazing you are?" Alejandro asks as we eat.

I look over at him grey eyes happy and that makes me happy too we have been through a lot this year but we are together and happy and that is all that matters. After lunch Alejandro went back to work, I wasn't feeling up to any work so I headed home.

I take a nice bath just relaxing a lot has changed in my life since I met Alejandro, he has opened my eyes to so much more than I ever imagined possible. I didn't think it was possible for me to love someone so much and being this happy with not just him but my family also.

Alejandro has showed me so much love and care that I don't ever want us to be apart ever I know now that my life is complete with him in it and that he is all I need and that is enough for me he is enough.

The feel of soft lips kissing my neck wakes me from my sleep I have no idea what time it is after my bath I crawled into bed and the rest was history. I turn into Alejandro's hold grey eyes happy I reach up stroking his cheek and he leans into my touch.

"Hey you" he says smiling. "How are you feeling?"

"Happy" I tell him. "I love you so much"

"I love you more." He lowers his head to mine kissing me lightly on my lips.

This is where I belong where I want to stay forever.

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