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Ran's POV:

When I woke up, it was to someone poking my cheek. I weakly opened my eyes. I saw a girl with long crimson hair tied up in a ponytail. She smiled at me.

"Hey. You're finally awake. You've been out for a few days. Are you hungry? I can get you something. My parents are out taking my little sister to the doctor. They'll be back soon."

I nodded. The girl left. Is that Tomoe? It might be. Her voice sounds familiar.

I carefully sat up. I examined my body. I had bandages around my foot. It seems like they've been taking good care of me. That's good.

Tomoe, or so I believe, came back with a tray. On it was a bowl of soup. She set it on my lap and then pulled a chair beside the bed and sat down.

"W-what is this?" I managed to ask.

"It's chicken noodle soup."

"T-thank y-you..." I stuttered, "U-um... T-Tomoe, right?"

I hate how bad my voice is shaking. I don't know why it is. Maybe it's just from being hurt. I hope it'll go away soon.

Tomoe's eyes widened, "You... you were awake when we found you?"

I nodded as I started slowly eating the soup. I've never had this before. It tastes really good.

"You never said anything, though..." Tomoe said.

"I couldn't. I couldn't move anything." I had to take my time, but I managed to say that without a stutter.

"Where are you from?" Tomoe asked.

I shrugged. I don't even know the place the orphanage was at.

"Well, who did you live with?"

"I... I'll tell you if... if you promise to keep it a secret from everyone." I said, "No one can know the truth."

"I promise!" Tomoe said with a lot of sincerity.

"I... I'm an orphan. I... I don't have a family." I felt tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.

"Oh... what happened to your family?" Tomoe asked as she sat beside me on the bed. She took the tray and set it on the chair. I had finished eating already.

"I don't know. I was found as a baby. I have no memory of my parents." I said.

"So, um, how'd you end up in the woods with a burnt foot?" Tomoe asked as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"The orphanage... it caught on fire. I barely managed to escape. I think I was the only one to live." I sighed.

"That orphanage! It was all over the news. They said everyone died." Tomoe said.

"I didn't... thanks to you guys." I replied.

"Um, what's your name?" Tomoe asked.

"Um... I... I um..." I don't want to tell her my name.


"I-it's... Ran! Yeah, Ran." I quickly made up a name.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ran. We're gonna be best friends." Tomoe smiled.

"Y-yeah." I agreed.

I like the name. It sounds better than the one I was given. And now, they can't track me anyway. Even if they hear my name, they can't connect it to the orphanage.

"Tomoe, um... the story I'm going to tell them is that my house caught on fire and I was the only one to make it out. Okay? I don't want anyone knowing I've been an orphan for a long time..." I said.

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