You Can't Hide Forever

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Ran's POV:

A week had passed since that day. Moca was doing okay. She was getting better. Her arm was pretty much healed. Unfortunately, the guy that attacked us wasn't caught. He's probably with dad again. And they're probably planning how to get revenge.

I'm scared to leave the house. What if he finds me? I'm sure he'd want me more than anyone else. I ruined everything for him. He'd want me dead, right? I don't know that dad would care at this point. He's been getting fed up with me. This was probably the last straw.

Unfortunately, I'm still forced to go to school. This isn't good. I'm terrified to leave, but I have no choice. Despite my pleading, I wasn't allowed to stay home. Oh yeah, I'm still with Tomoe. They let me stay again. I don't know where I would've gone otherwise.

"Ran! Come on, it's time to go!"

I sighed. It was time to leave for school again. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of the room. Tomoe was waiting for me at the door. We set off to school. I stayed really close to her. I always get nervous being outside. I don't trust anyone that's out.

We made it to school. It was Moca's first day back. She was overly enthusiastic to see us. She doesn't seem scared from the attack at all. It almost feels like it didn't happen. But, I know it did. And I know this won't be the only time.

School went by as usual. Before long, it was already lunch time. We were all sitting together as usual.

"So, how're you doing, Moca?" Himari started off the conversation.

"I'm fine." Moca reassured her.

I feel like there's something else. Her tone seems off. It doesn't look like anyone else had noticed, though. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

"Do you know if they found who attacked you?"

"They haven't."

"I wonder why they did it... I can't understand it at all..." Himari pouted.

Yeah... we haven't told anyone the truth. They just think it was some random guy. For me, they think I just ran away randomly and went to Tomoe. They don't know about any of this. And that's the way we want to keep it. They don't need to worry.


It was the end of the day. I had gotten ahead of everyone in the hallway. I'm outside by myself. How far ahead did I get? It's taking them ages to get out.

I was standing out of the way. There were a lot of kids coming out still. This is the spot where we always meet up after school. They'll come here once they get out. But, they must've gotten stuck behind some slow people. I still haven't seen them yet.

A hand went over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was muffled. I was pulled back behind the school. I struggled against them, but I couldn't get free. They were too strong for me. I was shoved into something. I didn't have time to make it out. They slammed me into the floor until I fell unconscious.


When I woke up, it was to a dark room. I groaned and sat up. Weird. I'm not restrained. I would've assumed they would have tied me up. My eyes slowly started adjusting to the light. I was alone in this room. It was barren. Nothing but me was there. I saw a door. It's probably locked. Do I even bother trying?

I have nothing better to do. Maybe it'll tell whoever took me that I'm awake? Who did take me? I wouldn't be surprised if it was dad. He probably wants me. I did ruin his plan, after all. He'll want revenge for that. I just know it.

I walked over to the door and tried the handle. As expected, it was locked. I sighed. How long until someone comes for me? I know I should be scared and all, but honestly I saw this coming. Now, if I find out dad isn't responsible for this, then I'll start panicking.

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